Sprint 3 Level 2 - Shipping Time Weeks Error
So I can't currently can display the Shipping Time, I will attach on what I am seeing. You can slightly see my formula above the screen. What can I do to resolve this bug?
Cannot download Certified Model Builder after completed all activities
Hello, I just completed all required courses (please see snapshot below), but was not able to download the certificate. Refreshed the page multiple times and waited over half hour, still not working. Appreciate for your help.
Variance report with absolute and percentages in a single grid
Hi all, I'm trying to create a basic variance report with LIS as a dimension of parameters and the line items to find the variance. But, the challenge here is that the LIS consists of both absolute numbers and percentages, and the client wants to see the variance in both absolute numbers and percentages respectively. Is…
Import Mapping Issue
Hi All, I'm having an issue with importing a csv file from excel. Below is the column headers that I want to match, the Unique ID and all the other column is what I want as "Header Row". When I make the "Header Row" to be the Unique ID row it then shows me this Does anyone knows how to rectify this and make it show all the…
What is the difference between Statistical Product Forecasting model and Monthly Statistical FC engi
There are two types of statistical forecast models available for in Anaplan - Statistical Product Forecasting model and Monthly Statistical Forecasting Calculation Engine
Manage User Imports
Hello! I'm developing a Demand Planning Model for school books. Every year, it is critical to update the list of SKUs [both delete and add SKUs] as well as the SKU details [School Subject, School Year, Type of Book] - in the systems module Given that these SKU information are also lists in my ANAPLAN model, I would need to…
Prevent import in selected months
Hello, I would like to give access to a user so that he can upload himself a CSV file in a module (with a time dimension). I do not want that this user changes by mistake past months. I've done a DCA on the line item of the module saying "write in July 2023". The module is in "write" in July 23 and "read" the other months.…
Please help to see why this formula returns 1 instead of 0?
IFTRIM(Deliverable Item) <> TRIM('DAT.040 Approved Deliverables'.Deliverable Item[LOOKUP: 'SYS.910 Other Settings'.Audit Version Lookup])THEN 1ELSE 0 Deliverable Item is :Channel Data Mgmt Platform: Pre-study to build one single harmonized platform for all our Partner data, expanding our capability to deliver data driven…
I want to put a period filter.
I want to put a period filter like this so that when the user checks the boolean, the data of the months associated with the year will be shown in the below grid. Need some help with this.
How to choose multiple departments in page selector
I'm creating dashboards for budget owners at my firm. In the dashboard I have a variance analysis module showing budget vs actual. If one of my page selectors is the department (Dev, Sales, G&A) and i wanted to show only software dev, and strategy under the dev department in the module how could i do it so that the budget…
Formula showing YTD actuals + Remaining Year Forecast
I'm looking to build a formula that would show the current YTD actual expenses, + the remaining year forecasted expenses to arrive to my FY total expenses. The current model we have set up adds together "Expense from direct Input plan" (Basically our YTD actuals) and adds this value to another column called "Expense from…
List not aggregating by top level
Hi, I am building a model which stores historic data of investments/"assets" and reports on them both individually and in aggregate (i.e. the portfolio). I have two Lists. One is called "Assets" and a second called "Portfolios". "Assets" has the total list of the investments in the portfolio. The Parent Hierarchy of the…
Condition on a Boolean.
Hello, Is there any way to have boolean line item with a formula and editable depending on the condition? For example: IF Condition_1 THEN True ELSE (boolean editable by the user) Thank you
Employee department Change
For example, Amit Kumar joined on 01/01/2020 in the sales department and transferred on 05/01/2021 to the finance department. I made a UX page where user can choose the leave date and the new department the employee has joined and run the action which will add a new List Item [ Amit Kumar ( Transfer) ] with a new Code…
Can't show previous period month
Hi, I'm trying to create formula to display the last date of the month with logic like this: If 'Manufacturer end date' is the 1st, the last date of previous month will display, otherwise the last day of the current month will display. e.g. If 2023-07-01 is the 'manufacturer end date', then 'Shipping end date' will display…
How to change order of line items in a saved view of module
I am trying to change order of line items in a saved view but everytime I click on reorder It opens all line items if module and not default view ones
How to handle time when setting a filter?
Hi all, I'm sure you guys already have dealt with this issue. How do you handle time when you need to set a filter (for instance "greater than zero) on a line item and Anaplan forces you to pick a specific month? Thanks in advance
Employee department Change
I have an Employee details module which includes ( Code, Name, Start date, Leave date, Salary, etc.). There is one more module where the monthly employee salary is shown and we get the salary detail until the employee is employed. I have made a process where the employee has changed departments on a certain date. For…
How to Update Anaplan Module line item values with Users List
Hi, I have created two module and first module with four dimensions(State,City,Product,User) and one among them is standard User List and with one line item quantity. Created second module with only three dimensions(State, City and Product) and added User, quantity, quantity override as line items in it. In second module…
How to set closing balance summary in a year-to-date sort of way
Hi all, I am having an issue trying to set properly the closing balance summary. I am working with a module with three dimensions: cu, time, workflow status. Specifically, time is set to half year and workflow status has two list items, "closed" and "not closed", meaning respectively "compiled and approved" and "compiled…