Manual Entry
Hi all, Is there any possibility for manually entering and using formula in same line item... Knowing its not possible still is there any possibility for the same .... Regards, JEEVAK
formula revision for QTR last year
Hi Community, I would like to ask advice on formula revision of my clients report. Below is the target module. The column of last year is where we are encountering a problem. Requirement: it is supposed to pick up the value from the source module but the total QTR of last year. Target module: OUT007 In the target module if…
Regarding 80000 Character Limit in Mailto function.
Hi, Can anyone please clarify whether spaces and newlines are counted as a character in the 80000 character limit in browser? Thanks and regards, Aakash Sachdeva
Fastest way to replicate changes in SYS Property modules
Hi Everyone, I need your help to replicate same changes from one SYS module to some of the SYS modules. Let's say I add some line items in one SYS module and there are 30+ similar SYS modules. Is there a quick way to replicate these changes in other modules so that name, format, formula and summary settings can be updated…
Detect CRLF character in a text line item
I have to replace CRLF (carriage return / line feed) characteres form a text line item. How can I use the FIND function or more better the SUBSTITUE function to replace such a CRLF char. Result = SUBSTITUE(line item to replace, CRLF character, " ")
PlanIQ Error
Hi, Do you know what would cause a 'PlanIQ Flow Trigger Failed' error @Misbah
Prior financial year result
Is there a formula that can be used to get the prior financial year (full year) P&L? Question/Context: If we have set-up Anaplan with correct time dimensions how can we get the prior year result in the current year. Example in July 2022 how can we pull in the FY22 (assume March year-end) P&L total and continue to pull that…
Dynamic Cell Access
Hi, The dynamic Cell Access - learning app doesn't show in my Workspace although I have download it three times. Please guide me. Thanks, Mark
Steps for building a model
Can anyone help me understand why the following order of the steps is wrong? I have tried two attempts but still can't get it right!!! Step 1. Build centralized dimensions in the model (time, version, lists) Step 2. Build Modules in the model Step 3. Build centralized Import data into modules Step 4. Create User Experience…
Boolean, lookup and lists
I am stuck - I have a Boolean that I want to populate based off the value in a given list. If this was excel I would write the formula as If Pay type = H then True else false. But I know that I can't do that. So I moved on to thinking I need to use the lookup function, but I am at a loss on the syntax to ensure it is a…
unable to get access anaplan
i have credentials to log in anaplan community.but while log in to the worksapce by using same credentials it showing as incorrect .while going to password reset, unble to get reset password to the mail id. please do needful.
Driver Calc help with logic
I have a driver called "set to plan" which is just assigning the planned amounts to the forecast periods, but this is only happening for 2022 forecast periods. The previous driver Calc: IF Driver Method <> 'SYS002 - Model Lookups'.Set to PlanTHEN 0ELSE 'REP001 - Balance Sheet (Reporting Output)'.Amount[LOOKUP: 'SYS006 -…
Time Setting
Hello Community, I have created a module where I have set Fiscal Year Start Month as "April" There is some module where I need month to be started from "January"... What is the solution? Thanks in Adavance Regards, Jeeva K
Selective access in dropdown list
Hi, How can i apply the selective access write only in my dropdown list ? I have a list with selective access both write and read and in my dropdown list i only want to allow users to select those members that they have write access. Thanks in advance for helping. Regards, Tom
Formula Help
Hi, Need help creating a formula that will look at LI for a rolling 5 day forecast and return back the max number of those 5 days. I set up a systems module that looks at the forecast for 5 days, and then tried to use it in the formula below.
Rename a list item through a NUX page
Hi Everyone, Is there a way to rename a list item through a NUX page? Thanks! - Shubham
7 Benefits of Anaplan Modeling
Hi Model Contributors, I just read a really interesting Community blog post by @AntonS where he outlined seven benefits of model building within the Anaplan platform (spoilers: #5 covers the benefit of using standard Time and Versions compared to custom alternatives). I thought this would be a useful review for less active…
User based calculations
Hello - I have a question which ultimately is related to using the users list in module design. Was hoping someone could confirm my theory, or even better, provide a more efficient way to set this up. Here are the details on what I'm dealing with: We have a module setup for budget vs. actual analysis, in which the module…
Previous Year to Date Calculation
Hi everyone, I am in need of a formula for specific line items from our P&L that calculates the previous year's YTD values. For example our YTD currently shows Jan 22 - May 22. Ideally I could have a separate model to choose each line item and show the YTD for Jan 21 - May 21. Is this possible?
4 Quarter Average for a year
How to get 4 quarter average of the same year for all quarters in a separate line item(Quarter formatted) Thanks.