how to delete unused list items
Hi, I need to reduce the size of my model, and need to delete some unused lists. how to do that? Sorry, I am not expert. thanks, Shaj
ALM and create action
Hi In a normal non ALM model, I am able to have a button, a create action, on my dashboard. This adds an item to a list called Rate Range L2, which is a child of Rate Range L1. This allows me to let users create a new line so they can add date ranges. they have to manually add the start and end date in the module, but that…
Anaplan Connect for Single Sign On
Through Anaplan Connect we can automate the process for import and other actions by running batch files but what in case of Single Sign On feature in which we don't have User ID and Password of users so what to mention as identity in batch file.
Filtering on USER
Hi Team, I'm wanting to filter a list dependent on which USER is viewing the module but I do not want to include USER as a dimension in the module I have a Filter Module which has the Department List, USER list and a Boolean line item to indicate which Users I wish to have view access/filter access to Departments The…
Import Help requested
Dear Friends, I receive this file every month from the vendor. I want to automate the process of adding the file. I want to follow the process of certification. Please tell me, how is it done.
Production sync done with a bug in DEV Model
Hi, When we make a Production move and down the line 2 weeks, we get to know the production moved with an error, and there is lot of data added by the client in this time, what would be the best possible ways to fix the issue? 1. Move the production back to the last revision, fix the Dev and do a sync again? but then there…
False Boolean Action
Hi Team, I have a Override Boolean line item in 1 of my Selective Access modules that I would like to create an Action for to set all the items to FALSE. This would be done when the Selective Access admin tasks are being executed and we wish to start with a clean slate I know that I can go into the module, set the Formula…
If I don't mark a list as Production List, what will happen? Since I don't modify my list often.
As I read, if I mark a list as Production List. I can make changes to it, even in Deployed mode. What type of changes? Properties, Subsets, Code?
Show/hide pages in new UX w.r.t user groups / roles
In Anaplan workspace, after we set the configurations for modules, versions, lists, actions w.r.t multiple roles, we have the option of going to "Contents Panel" and hide the modules accessible for the roles and only display the dashboards for the end users. In the new UX, we also build pages which is also controlled based…
Hierachy Import
I have lists with 6 levels of hierarchy. I want to pull data for level 3 from the highlighted module. Is it possible not by using parent function but by simple import to pull the data. What I was thinking, I pull the data for L1 and then use parent and item function. In that case, friends suggest me, what will be the…
New UX Functionality and Benefits
Hi Friends, Can someone explain what is new UX in Anaplan? What are Pages, Worksheets? What are their functions? Earlier how we used to handle those, when this UX was absent?
Selective Import
In Anaplan we have. Now we want to maintain monthly data appending. This works fine. Next I find the old actual data for some records was incorrectly entered. I update it in the Hub but it doesn't get reflected in automatic process, as it takes the old values. I don't want to select the other option as my old data might…
Compare before Add Revision Tag
We badly need an option to compare the current changes against the latest ALM Revision or any prior Revisions before creating a New Revision Tag (Add Revision Tag). Currently the Compare option let us compare the changes between any existing revision tags only and not against the current changes, yet to be check in/ yet to…
How to improve Anaplan performance
Hello. I'm searching how to improve Anaplan performance. If you have good textbook or Best Practice, please tell me. Like this site https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Best-Practices/Formulas-and-their-effect-on-model-performance/ta-p/33556
Quick way to Archive models in Anaplan
Hi Experts, I just wanted to know, if there is any shortcut process to archive models in Anaplan, say I want to archive 100 plus models in an workspace. Do I have to do this one by one or is there any quick way to do this. Thanks & Regards, Madhu
where can I find export defination after exporting?
since "When you save the export definition, the sort criteria, filter, and rows/columns that have been shown or hidden are saved with the export." If saved the export definition, where can I find these filter, row/columns, shown/hidden information later? (I have several saved exports and some of them are not from saved…
Hide model map button
Hi all, I've just noticed a new idea posted here asking for the model map button to be hidden/moved. Hopefully creating this forum post allow increased visibility for a workaround that works very well (while a long term solution might be delivered in the future). There is a nice browser add-in called A+ for Anaplan…
Moving model across Worskpace
I need to model from workspace A to workspace B. I am trying to do this with an import of the model. I would like to retain the model history . Is there anyway to accomplish this?
ALM and dashboards
Hi I am creating an ALM model, so that we ideally have 1 Dev model to multi prod models. Is there anyway to create a Boolean or some setting so that some dashboards aren't visible on some prod models, but are in others?
Hello Members I am new to Anaplan. Please help me understand how to get tenant administrator access. Thanks RM
Five Things Every Anaplan Solution Manager Should Maintain + Challenge to all Anaplan Partners
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/five-things-every-anaplan-solution-manager-should-maintain-kuo First off, thank you to everyone who's liked, shared, or commented on the article I posted on LinkedIn last week. (and sorry if I missed anyone) You guys are my #anafam.…
Reference User List Item
Hi Team, Is there a formula to reference the current users Users List Item? I am creating module which clears the Selective Access for all users but I need the User who is executing the button to maintain their access, Currently I have a module where I manually select the User who I wish to not clear their selective…
Assigning Page to App
In the new UX is it possible to assign a page that has already been created to an existing app? I thought this might be done in the Administration section of the new UX but it seems that page is down. Thanks, Derek
User Roles not syncing
Hi All, I'm recently facing issues where for some roles in the model, access to actions are not being properly moved from Dev to Prod model. For example, If I give WRITE access to a Regional Manager role from some Approval Process(Having certain number of actions) in the Dev model and then move it PROD. Now if I check the…
Excel Add In User Security Read/Write
Hi, does anyone know if User Read/Write definitions from an Anaplan Model translate to Excel Add In? If a user only has read access to an input module, that user then creates a connection to that input module with the Excel Add In, if they chose to create a read/write connection, would they have only read access, or would…
Question about the February 22, 2020 Upgrade - ALM Restore Points & Documentation
Hi everyone! I just reviewed the changes in the 2/22/2020 upgrade - thank you for these and for working Saturday to implement! I had a few questions. I was hoping someone could answer these. @VickiA maybe you can help. ALM Restore Points For the ALM restore points, I wasn't sure what was the change. In testing this out, I…
ALM and dashboards
hi I am developing an ALM model, that has 1 Dev model, to many Prod models. I have a question about dashboards. Is there a way to have good looking headings? In my example each prod model will cover different legal entities, and I will like to display that information on the front page. In the old approach I could have a…
Model Comparison failed
Hi Anaplanner, I have made new module, and update module, but when i will snyc i have error like a photo How to fix it? Regard, Panji
Manage Import Data Sources - Timing
Hi team, How long does Anaplan retain a file that has been uploaded to the 'Manage Import Data Sources' item in the Action Settings? It seems to retain the data for a certain length of time and then if you attempt to edit the Action to which the uploaded data is associated with you will receive the attached error Thanks…
Import for Weekly Data
I am trying to import Historical Weekly Data, but am constantly getting error. Please assist how to import Weekly Data? I tried several times, I have attached Screenshot.