Is it possible to Hide Action Button depending on driver line item.
Hello I have three buttons: When one of them is disable I'd like to hide it. And my question is: Is it possible? If yes, how can I do it?
Horizontal scrollbar does not work when freeze columns (1-15) or more.
When freeze columns (1-10), horizontal scrollbar works well. However, when freeze more columns such as (1-15) or (1-20), it does not work as above picture.
Create a Lock button in dashboard
i want a lock button in my dashboard which when clicked should disable my rows based on the line item finalize which is set to true in short if the finalize is set to true for 2 rows then the lock button should make them non editable and read only thank you for the assistance
Issue with Reordering ‘Totals Before’ with Multiple Line Items in UX
Hi, I need to insert a module with a hierarchical list in UX. I need to have the Totals (parents) above and to see 2 different line items for each child. However, in the settings, it doesn’t allow me to reorder “Totals Before” if I have 2 line items. Do you know how to do this? Thank you!
How to add list properties formatted as Boolean in a form
Hi community I want to create a form in Anaplan and give ability to users to add to the list. When I create a form I can only see properties that are text formatted. I want user to also check some boolean items but they are not appearing in the form. Is there a way I can get these in the form? Or is there a way I can do…
Let me "Grab" your attention: Re-ordering categories and pages functionality
Hey there Anaplanners, Wanted to see if anyone else was experiencing challenges with the recently released functionality for re-ordering categories and pages. When I use the grabber to reorder a page it seems to lag and can be temperamental to use. I'm only able to drag to the top of the category and cannot insert between…
開発環境→ステージ環境→本番環境とある中で、アプリを複製する必要があると思います。 (開発にて複製→ページの移動→ソースの更新→元のを削除→名前を更新 すごく手間だと感じているのですが、さらに合理的な方法はありますか?
Conditional Formatting for Duplicate List-Formatted Line Item
Feels like I'm missing a simple idea. I have a module dimensioned by line items and list A. One line item is formatted as list B. Users select corresponding list B for each list A. What logic in a CF line item can call out if duplicate list Bs have been selected?
Anaplanのデモの中で、↓のような表示を目にしたのですが、実現できるのでしょうか。 (事前に設定したパラメータに応じて,、表示する画像?を変える)
How to connect two group tasks within a workflow template?
Business units will update their e.g. Target sales and once all BU in a country update the target then it should be proceeded to Country for its approval. Country should have option either to Approve or Send it back to Business unit. If send it back to Business unit, he/she needs to change the target and send it back to…
3.3.12 Activity: Create Product Replenishment UX Page
Hi, I hope someone can assist please. I'm stuck at below task, not sure what have I done wrong in setting-up 'Planning Period Filter' month selection setting to sync against the desired objective of "Select he months you wish to view. Then, click Refresh to apply the Planning Period Filter". Instead of showing data for the…
Can i export a dashboard in pdf from the mobile app?
My client uses Anaplan on mobile devices. Is there a feature to export a dashboard screen in the form of a pdf? I am not referring to Management Reporting slides. I am talking about plain simple dashboards containing grids and charts, designed specifically for the Anaplan mobile app. When you try sharing the page, it goes…
Is it possible to customize the displayed line items in grid view based on the level for the context
My context selector has three levels Country->Region->City, is it possible to prepare three views and display them in grid view based on selected context selector level?
Management reporting text size w/ rich text input
I'm trying to allow users to add commentary that will be viewed on management reporting slides. I have a dashboard with commentary input fields that I have checked to allow rich formatting, the inputs look fine. On the management reporting slide I insert a text box and "insert data", add the appropriate line item. The text…
How can we use show/hide levels or a filter in case of a subset?
I've created a module with a subset which has 3-4 levels of hierarchy & published on a dashboard. I want end user to only be able to see the leaf level member but it isn't allowing me to apply a filter / show or hide the higher levels specifically for the subset. It works well with normal lists. Am I missing something here?
Multiple grids from different Models on singe Page
Hi, I have a requirement where I need to publish 2 grids, Grid A from model X and Grid B from Model Y in single page. Now, when I select Model X in dropdown after enabling multiple sources for page, Grid A is coming fine and "You can't access this card" is shown on Grid B which seems correct. And When I select Model Y in…
How can I remove label from pie in NUX?
Hello everyone, Here is my problem, I want to be able to remove this part on my pie : When I remove "show percentage " I have that : When I put it back and remove " show data labels " , everything is removed : Do you know if it is possible to obtain my first screenshot? Thanks, Best
Is it possible to run external Python script from UX page?
Hi, The question is about the following situation: A user makes a change to the grid and I want to perform calculations for another line item. I have the calculation formula written in a Python script and I would like the end user to be able to run it from their UX.
Advice on Optimizing Combined Export List in Anaplan
Dear Anaplanners, I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working on a project that involves two separate exports: one containing Project and Project Code, and the other containing Bench Code. Refer excel snip with samples. The receiving system can accept both Project Code and NPI Code, but in Anaplan, we have…
Hi I am looking for help with applying a filter to an item as I am currently receiving an ‘Unsupported Operation Filter’ error message. I have a module based on a parent and this includes a Boolean to exclude some items. I have another module that is based on the child of the parent and therefore a different dimension. I…