Formatting and Variance Analysis from Management Reporting on UX
- It would be amazing to format/color the grid cards on boards similar to Management Reporting. Especially if the colors on row and column headers can be controlled via hex codes similar to regular CF, it will allow end users to implement company color schemas to page. this will definitely increase user adoption and allow…
Multi-select option in UI
The option to select multiple items from a list to populate a cell would be a big win for us e.g. a language field, where I can select multiple language and the cell would then be populated with "English;Afrikaans"
Add "Save and Close" option when changing Page settings
As a page builder, I want to be able to Save and Close the page settings dialog in a single click, so that I can save time and be more efficient with my work. As of today, I find that the majority of the time I press the Save button on the Page settings dialog, I immediately want to close the window. A common example is…
On charts: Allow labels to draw values from separate line items
On charts: Allow labels to draw values from separate line items instead of just the ones used to create the chart. A frequent use case is to create a column/bar chart where the bar length should represent a number but the label should represent % of base.
Create form in Dashboard with Instructions
It would be nice to have an option to provide a message when creating a form from Dashboard in order to create an item in a list. That way the end user could follow the instructions and understand the requirements in the pop-up window.
REQUEST: Allow for PB to 'Configure Actions' for a Page.
It would be nice if Actions could be added to a Page not just Cards. There are times where the user might need to run an action/process that is more Global/doesn't go with a particular card.
Management Reporting - Advanced Variance Calculations for Percentages
A current pain point I am experiencing is displaying variances in the calculations column within Management Reporting. While the addition of this feature solves some downfalls in the model for building complex variance columns with different formats, the downfall is the ability to produce an accurate variance on…
Enable "Show/Hide" for context selectors in the Custom View Editor window
When using a custom view, limiting the selections for a dimension that is set as a context selector a user must exit the custom view editor make that change from the Board Designer screen. It would be a page builder / model builder workflow improvement to allow the same "show / hide" functionality for the context selectors…
Ability to Collapse Cards on New UX Page
It would be helpful for Anaplan to add the ability to collapse a card if the card is not relevant to the page based on user choices. For example, on a dashboard, there is a top card that contains GL accounts. In that card, the user selects one of two planning methods for the GL account. If they select "Manual" the first 3…
More efficient mechanism for sorting in the UX
One of the most common requests I get from clients is to sort a grid by list descriptions against them (e.g. product description, customer name). The request for sorting is against non system modules (input, calculation or output modules), so in order to sort these in the UX I would need create a text line item in the…
Show / Hide Categories in NUX App based on user role
In my experience most Anaplan implementations focus around a main app where the most users do their work, and most roles are likely only focused on a handful of pages. But as-is they will be faced with the full list of categories of in their dropdown, even if they can't go there or do anything. I think it would be a major…
Ability to repeat actions inside a process
I think it would be beneficial to have the ability to repeat an action inside a process. Currently, you can only add an action once inside a process.
Ability to "Convert" a Saved View into Custom View
When building a view in NUX, I prefer using Custom Views in the NUX to build charts, grids etc as the controls are built into the NUX. However when changing an existing card on a page where a Saved View was used as the basis, I either have to go into the model, find the module load the saved view to alter and save it…
Ability to change of font color & format
Kindly add options of enable increasing/decreasing the font size of tables in a Report page similar to font size in text card. the font size in tables are very small in comparison to other text. For better readability (font increasing/decreasing), it would be great to have this feature create. Adding colors for text would…
Model search engine to make multiple search by exact name using apostrophe (')
This idea is the following conclusion from my previous idea. As a model builder I want to be able to copy a cell of the module blueprint "Referenced by" and paste this info to Model Search. I expect model search will find all of the modules referenced by the source module. So I could select quickly the necessary one and…
format options for font size and colors
Enable increasing/decreasing the font size of tables in a Report page similar to font size in text card. the font size in tables are very small in comparison to other text. For better readability (font increasing/decreasing), it would be great to have this feature enabled. Adding colors for text would a "good to have".…
Gantt Chart in New UI - Row Height adjustment not available
Hi, Great work adding Gantt Charts in New UX, I am trying to use the feature for our internal project management purposes but having difficulty fitting the Gantt chart in one screen. It would be great if we can get an ability to adjust the Row height of the Gantt chart.
Data Label Option in Charts
Would like to be able to change the method on how to put the percentage label on the pie/donut chart. When the portion is too small to fit the label, it's fine to have a call out style (current style). But when we only have 2 or 3 categories, we would like to have the label directly laid on the portion so that the chart…
Upgrade Model search to ignore apostrophes (' or ’)
As a model builder i want to be able to search quickly through the entities of my model. Frequently I have to examine formulas which most of the time have references from the other line items and modules which have special symbols in naming (i.e. a dot (.) in module named '8.15 Transport tariffs options (Month)') So if I…
Continuous zoom for report pages
On report pages, zoom should have a slider where we can pick the amount of zoom. As it is, we can only move from 50% to 67%, which means we go from too small, to parts disappearing off the screen