Status Page enhancements and Release Calendar updates
Some fab new enhancements to the way we share platform and release information. You can check the full details here but I am particularly pleased to see the more granular level for reporting downtime - you can now see this at a component level: If you aren't subscribed to these updates already I would encourage you to do…
Show previous Forecast Actions execution
Currently, I’m only able to see the latest forecast action execution in PlanIQ; I want to see the full execution history.
More visibility in PlanIQ Execution failures
When actions fail, sometimes it’s complicated to understand why, since no explanation message is presented in PlanIQ.
Maintenance Blog!
Have you subscribed to the Maintenance Blog yet - a great way of just keeping up to speed on the platform maintenance schedule. There are also links to release updates and platform status updates too.
REMINDER - Maintenance Update coming up this weekend - 8th May
See here for details. For quick ref - the timings for UK are GMT 9pm on Saturday 8th. Don't forget to subscribe to those status updates too - they are invaluable.