6.04-01 Back to the Future
This is a technique that reverts the model to a previous revision, allows you to make a fix, sync to Production, and then return Development back to where it was Best Practice article: Saving incomplete changes during development Questions on this topic? See 6.04-01 Back to the Future in our Planual forum.
6.04-02 Switchover
After a revision, create multiple revision tags with different switchover dates prior to starting new development Best Practice article: Managing Frequent Structural Changes During Development Questions on this topic? See 6.04-02 Switchover in our Planual forum.
6.04-03 Master Dashboards
Master Dashboards will delete any personal dashboards. Techniques to minimize user disruption include creating a copy and have a migration process to move users to the new dashboards Related to Rule: 4.01-14 Enable Personal Dashboards Best Practices article: Personal Dashboards - Tips and Tricks Questions on this topic?…