API 1.3 changes
Hi, I had some issues this week with the API 1.3 interfaces https://anaplan.docs.apiary.io/#reference if you also have problems please try this: * PUT method to upload file: In the Header the Content…4 -
How to Create Connection Between Anaplan and Power BI with API 2.0
Power BI is a popular reporting tool. One of the reasons is that in Power BI you can get data from different sources, and there is an increased interest of our customers and Anaplan builders to be ab…37 -
Re: Anaplan script is failing while executing remotely
Hi, check the firewall/proxy for "https://api.anaplan.com/" and "https://auth.anaplan.com", in both laptops. does it works if you run it locally? Regards1 -
Re: Integrate Anaplan in Power BI
Hello, try this format, it works for me: url = "https://api.anaplan.com:443/1/3/workspaces/workspaces/workid/models/modelid/exports/116000000002/tasks", header= [#"Authorization" …1 -
Re: Anaplan Connect Export Record Count
Hi, you can add this code in your script to count the number of rows: setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set "myvar=findstr /R /N "^^" "my_file.csv" | find /C ":""…1