Best Of
Re: Introducing the Anaplan Integration Script Generator: Simplifying Anaplan Connect Scripting
Hi @QuinE, further to the comments from @Satesh, apart from the "-process" needing to be corrected, I believe the creation of the File Upload part of the script should be done prior to the "-process…" part of the script so that any process that requires any source files to be loaded will do the loading of the source file prior to running the process.
To do this in the current script generator, the user will have to complete and ADD the File Uploads section first before doing the Processes section to get the order correct. This said, it would be good to either swap the order of the Process and File Uploads tab in the script generator OR leave the tabs as is but always create the script so that the file upload script is always created prior to creating the "-process" part of the script when running the script generator.
Thanks again for creating the script generator as it simplifies the process for creating the script and once you have amended it for the above things then it will be even better as there would be no need for any manual intervention once the script is generated.
Re: 【質問】Timeの小計列を前に持っていきたい
蛇足ながら、Total PositionについてNew UXだとTimeを押してから変更、とクラシックと手順が違うようでした。クラシックとNew UXでできることが微妙に違うケースもあるのでNew UXのCustom Viewで検討しておいたほうが良いのかもしれません。
Re: Import Character Error
Hi @TimothyThomas this did the trick, it worked!, thanks a lot for the help. It's funny how this little errors can be hard to figure out.
Re: How to get Current Fiscal Year from Time, as a number, when Current Period is not set in the model
Oh, it has been requested (having a line item figuring out what today is), but it is a bit more complex than what people think. You have to take into consideration time zones as well as what is the date if you restore a model (is it still todays date or is it the date of when it was restored, etc.). With that said, it is on the roadmap, hopefully it will come out in the near future.
Re: How to get File IDs for a specific process and then download Via Azure Logic App.
Hi Anirudh, did some research and came to the same conclusion, as for chunk part will have to see what i can do with available utilities.
Thanks for the reply guys, means a lot.
Re: Enhanced NUX Drill Down
Any update on this? We just discovered the lack of Alt+F8 functionality in the NUX comparable to classic and it greatly impacts our ability to use the NUX for certain things.
Converting numbers to text without losing decimals
I am trying to create a reporting module with mixed line items (numbers and percentages) so I am converting the numbers to text for display purposes only.
We need 1 decimal and have very small numbers eg. 0.0001 which should then be displayed as 0.0 however during the process the decimal is lost.
Same issue with integers: they are displayed as 3 instead of 3.0
This is how it is in Anaplan currently:
- ACT is text using TEXT(ACT1)
- ACT1 is in number format
Thank you for your help in advance!
Re: Latest platform releases
We launched several new exciting updates in July, including updates to Management Reporting and Polaris. Read the full article here
Re: How to get File IDs for a specific process and then download Via Azure Logic App.
Easiest way is to check from Anaplan modelling experience the actions included in the process and then to which files are linked to these actions. Then you can find file IDs for these specific files.
From article below you can find python example on how to import and export files in single chunks