December 10th User Group meeting in Basel -- follow-up
Hello everyone,
It was very nice to see you all yesterday. I hope that you were able to make new connections and gain some insights from the meeting. Again, my sincere thanks to Christoph Angst for hosting the event and to all of you for taking time out of your busy day to meet and share your experience.
Below are some questions I noted from the meeting. I encourage you to continue the conversation here. We have also posted the Modelling Best Practice slides shared by Klaus on the community site.
Questions on roadmap:
- Creating a new line item on that is a Number-List is causing blocking action. Are their plans to improve this? What work-arounds can we suggest? (Stéphane H. – Ferring)
- The ability to export certain outputs in pdf, such as Financial Statements, Commission Statements, is very useful. Do we have any plans to enable this? (Ivan – Edwards.
- The ability to login as another user is currently only possible for users with a Model Builder role. Do we have plans to allow this feature on other roles?
- Is Anaplan planning on phasing out the current UI (no longer supported) at a date in the future? When?
- For roadmap items, it would be helpful to understand:
- What problem(limitation) the new feature is solving/improving
- A demo of what the problem/limitation was. And a demo of how the new feature would be used.
- More information / deep-live on UI and Workflow.
We mentioned that there is a Connected Planning event we are co-hosting with Deloitte in on January 15thin Zurich. This is a good forum to learn what leading companies are doing to achieve the Connected Planning vision and connect with peers. You can find more information and register for the event here: Spotlight on Connected Planning – January 15, Zurich.
Kind regards and look forward to our next meeting.
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