February 2025 AnaplaNation Group Meeting Recap on Model Optimization Best Practices Part 7
Hi Group Members, We hosted the October group event on 2/11 with a presentation on Model Optimization Best Practices Part 7: Convert CUMULATE functions to PREVIOUS The presentation material and recording link are shared below: Guest Speaker: Kenneth Privaldos Model Performance Specialist, Model Optimization, Anaplan…
Introduction: Anaplan Customer Care Portal: Zoom meeting
Hello Nordics Anaplan leads and model builders As we have communicated recently, Anaplan’s Support team – Anaplan Customer Care - are releasing our new “Customer Care Portal”, which will help you to manage and oversee cases you have submitted with Anaplan Support . You will receive notification from the Customer Care team…
Anaplan Model Builder and CoE Forum, 26th of March Stockholm
Hi Group Members, In combination to our March 25 Anaplan Connect Nordics event we invite all Anaplan System Owners and Model Builders to join us on March 26 to meet with Anaplan Operational Excellence experts to exchange insights on leadership best practices and explore strategies for optimizing model builds. This…
Nouveau : Sécurité renforcée pour la gestion des « utilisateurs exceptionnels »
Bonjour Anaplan vous permet désormais de renforcer la sécurité des accès pour les utilisateurs lorsque le SSO est activé, grâce à une option permettant de gérer les exceptional users (utilisateurs pouvant se connecter sans passer par le SSO). Lorsque cette option est activée la gestion des 'Exceptional users' se fera dans…
Anaplan Stockholm Connect, 25th of March
Hej! Moi! Hallo! Hello! Anaplan Connect is coming to the Nordics and will be hosted in Stockholm. It will be an exciting and inspiring event focused on business planning, performance management and decision excellence.Meet the Anaplan Community: clients, experts and partners and come together to showcase how you can…
New feature disponible : Network Chart (à découvrir absolument 💥)
Bonjour la communauté France Model Builders, J'espère que vous allez bien. Pour ma part, je suis ravi de vous présenter cette nouvelle fonctionnalité : Network Chart sortie aujourd'hui 🔥 . Le Network chart permet une représentation visuelle des éléments interconnectés via leurs relations. Il est particulièrement utile pour…
Anaplan Modellers Forum Roadshow comes to the Midlands
The latest in our series of Modellers Forum will be coming to the West Midlands on 31st March and hosted by the incredible team at Jaguar Land Rover. If you would like to join us please sign up at https://events.anaplan.com/modellersforumemeamarch25
Anaplan ANZ Newsletter - Jan 2025
Welcome to the January 2025 edition of Anaplan ANZ Customer Newsletter! We wish all our community members a Happy New Year! This Australia & New Zealand specific content will help keep you apprised of the latest in our collaboration, inform you of product updates and industry news, and connect you with our broader Anaplan…
Excited about Conversational AI? Sign up for a Research Session
The product and UX teams at Anaplan are currently looking to understand how users would want a Conversational AI assistant in Anaplan to act in three different scenarios. This Conversational AI assistant is meant to make Anaplan more accessible by allowing users to have a conversation with their data, eliminating the need…
📅 Atelier Fonctionnalité Technique : Découvrez Anaplan Polaris le 07 février
Bonjour, J’espère que vous allez bien. Lors de notre prochain atelier technique, je souhaite vous présenter Polaris, le nouveau moteur de calcul d’Anaplan. Polaris a été spécialement conçu pour gérer de manière optimale d'importants volumes de données massifs et extrêmement clairsemés ("sparse"). Grâce à Polaris, nos…
March 31st! Live event in the Midlands
I know I said in October that there would be a new event soon but time is relevant right? Right? Sign up below for our next event which will be hosted by the insanely talented JLR https://events.anaplan.com/modellersforumemeamarch25
Why does ADO Map show undefined under each chart?
Hi All, I am testing ADO functionalities and noticed in my map that it shows undefined for the charts although all my data flow and links are connected and working as expected? Is there anything that needs to be done further to remove this?
Exclusive preview: Reflection & Appreciation Q&A Challenge on January 7
Hi Community Bosses, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and having a wonderful start to the new year! I wanted to give you all an exclusive preview to a very special Community Q&A Challenge that kicks off tomorrow, January 7. Read this post to get all the details before we go live tomorrow - this…
New Functionality - Top 5
One of the Certified Master Anaplanners shared his top 5 releases for 2024. Curious to find out what your top release of 2024 is!
ウェビナー :財務計画と要員計画の連携強化への第一歩 ーベストプラクティスと柔軟性の両立ー
【オンラインセミナー開催要項】 日時:2025年1月23日(木)12:00 - 13:00 場所:オンライン(Zoom Webinar) 費用:無料 お申し込み期限:2025年1月22日(水)申込はこちら 備考:ご登録いただきますと後日にアーカイブ配信のご案内を速やかに実施できますので、当日のご参加が難しい場合でも奮ってご登録ください。 お申し込みページからご登録後、当日のアクセス情報に関するメールが配信されます。アクセス方法の詳細は事前のリマインドメールにてお知らせします。 ※同業企業・個人事業主および学生の方のご参加はご遠慮いただいております。…
ウェビナー : Anaplanが変える連結経営とレポーティング ー 経営の意思決定を新たなレベルへ ー
【オンラインセミナー開催要項】 日時:2024年12月19日(木)12:00-13:00 場所:オンライン(Zoom Webinar) 費用:無料 お申し込み期限:2024年12月18日(水) 申し込みはこちら 備考:ご登録をいただきますと後日にアーカイブ配信のご案内を速やかに実施できますので、当日のご参加が難しい場合でも奮ってご登録ください。 お申込みページからご登録後、当日のアクセス情報に関するメールが配信されます。 アクセス方法の詳細は事前のリマインドメールにてお知らせします。 ※ 同業企業、個人事業主および学生の方のご参加はご遠慮いただいております。 ※…
2025 New Year Blog - looking for Community Boss contributors!
Hi Community Bosses, I hope you're all doing well! We are looking for 4-6 Community Bosses to participate in our Community New Year blog! For this blog, we’re looking for you to share a brief paragraph (3-4 sentences max) about your Anaplan goals in 2025. Check out this blog post from earlier this year to get an idea of…
2024 Anaplan ジャパン ユーザー会 Autumn 開催の御礼
この度はご多忙の中、「2024 Anaplanジャパンユーザー会 Autumn」にご参加下さり、誠にありがとうございました。 100名以上のお客様のご参加登録をいただき、一堂に集まる会となりました! ユーザー様からの活用事例の発表共有や、Community Leaderからの発信、製品ロードマップ情報などなど盛りだくさんでお届けいたしました。 お客様同士で直接お話いただける交流会の時間では、盛り上がっているグループがいくつもあり、Anaplan社員は入る余地がないぐらいでした(><)! 次回もぜひ皆様ご参加いただけますと幸いです!
Sneak Peek: Best Practices Community Challenge on November 7, 2024
Hi Community Bosses, I hope you’re all doing well! Thank you for participating and checking out our September Best Practices Community Challenge - we really enjoyed hearing our Community members’ modeling tips and tricks. A huge thank you to @jasonblinn (now a Community Boss Employee!) and @alexpavel for speaking at our…
Cloudworks - scheduler update to winter/summer hour?
Hi all, Did any enhancement happend this weekend (26-27th of October 2024) in Cloudworks running schedulers to update to winter hour change? Since Sunday 27th of Oct 2024, i see that Cloudworks processes run sooner than the hour scheduled in Cloudworks if the scheduler in Cloudworks has been setup not at UTC exact time ,…