Anaplan Roadmap Presentations - April 2024
Hello Nordics Anaplan Group. Anaplan Product has released a new update to the platform Product Roadmap, and we look forward to presenting this to all of you who are interested. Our colleagues that will guest lead these discussions are: Chris Stauffer, Principal Platform Adoption Specialist Bill Dowling, Principal Platform…
Nordics Anaplan Deep-Dive on DMS (Data Management System)
Hello Nordics Anaplan Group. Many of you have expressed interest in learning more about the Data Management System solution that Anaplan Product is currently developing. DMS is currently in beta, and this solution is designed as a central area where you can manage data integrations and prepare your data before you import…
New Webcast Series for model builders and end users
Hello All, Exciting news! There is a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! When: 4/30 8am PDT / 11am EDT Do register for the event, even if you can't make it live as they are expecting a big audience for this event…
New Webcast Series for model builders and end users
Hello All, Exciting news! There is a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! When: 4/30 8am PDT / 11am EDT Do register for the event, even if you can't make it live as they are expecting a big audience for this event…
New webcast series for model builders and end users starts 4/30!
Hey everyone, I'm pleased to announce we are starting a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! A number of people will be presenting from our Operations Excellence Group, among others, to provide a "how-to" and deep…
New Webcast Series for model builders and end users starting 4/30!
Hey everyone, I'm pleased to announce we are starting a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! A number of people will be presenting from our Operations Excellence Group, among others, to provide a "how-to" and deep…
New webcast series for model builders and end users starting 4/30!
Hey everyone, I'm pleased to announce we are starting a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! A number of people will be presenting from our Operations Excellence Group, among others, to provide a "how-to" and deep…
Upcoming 4/30 Webinar for model builders and end users!
Hey everyone, I'm pleased to announce we are starting a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! A number of people will be presenting from our Operations Excellence Group, among others, to provide a "how-to" and deep…
New webcast series for model builders and end users starting on 4/30!
Hey everyone, I'm pleased to announce we are starting a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! A number of people will be presenting from our Operations Excellence Group, among others, to provide a "how-to" and deep…
New webcast series for model builders and end users starting 4/30!
Hey everyone, I'm pleased to announce we are starting a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! A number of people will be presenting from our Operations Excellence Group, among others, to provide a "how-to" and deep…
June & July 2023 - Community Boss Highlights
Hi Community Bosses, Since our program launched in June 2023, we've had some great contributions from our Community Bosses! We want to express our sincere gratitude and share a few articles and a podcast from the last couple months from our Bosses. Please take a moment to dive in and enjoy! @einas.ibrahim: Key metrics for…
Édition des pages directement depuis le modèle : Une nouvelle fonctionnalité
Bonjour, Nouveauté : Nous avons renforcé l'intégration entre votre modèle et les pages UX. Désormais, vous pouvez modifier vos pages UX directement depuis le modèle, éliminant ainsi la nécessité de passer par l'application. Cela vous permet de gagner du temps et facilite votre expérience de travail. Très cordialement,…
2023Anaplan ジャパン ユーザー会 Autumn開催のご案内
この度弊社では、ユーザー会を実施する運びとなりました! 2023 年 9 月 19 日(火)にて、120名規模でのユーザ会を予定しております。 昨今の社会情勢でお客様同士でのご交流の機会が減ってきている状況ではございましたが、同じ業界、同じ業務で Anaplan を活用いただくお客様同士でご交流いただくことで、日々のAnaplan のご活用及び運用における示唆を得る場としていただければ幸いです。 ご多忙の折とは存じますが、何卒ご参加賜りますようお願い申し上げます。 お申し込み: ※締切日:2023年8月31日(木) 定員:120 名(1 社あたり 2〜3 名様程度のご参加を想定しております) ※定員に到達次第締め切らせていただきます。…
ウェビナー:2023 Anaplan 業界別顧客事例セミナー - 製造業編-
開催日時:2023年8月29日(火) 15:00〜17:10 場所:オンライン 登録 財務計画と業務計画を連携させ、より迅速で確実な全社的意思決定を支援する「コネクテッド プランニング」を2016年より日本市場において提唱して以来、Anaplanの採用は国内において大手企業を中心に200社を超えました。昨年に引き続き、このたび業界別の顧客事例セミナーを開催し、組み立て・プロセス製造、自動車等、製造業の国内外の最新のお客様事例をご紹介します。…
Upcoming Community Boss Meetings on August 9 and 10
Hi Community Bosses, I hope you’re all doing well! I wanted to share a friendly reminder that I'll be hosting our first Community Boss meeting which will take place on the following dates/times to accommodate multiple timezones. You should have received a calendar invite via email, but in case you have not the Zoom links…
Sustainability Centric Reads!
Hi All! I want to kickstart a thread of some good sustianbility-esque reads. Below are some outlets, websites, books, and podcasts that I recommend (or have been recommended to me) for diving into Sustainability topics. This of course is not exhaustive and I have not personally read everything on this list - it’s also…
Запись и презентация мероприятия 21.07.2023 про гигиену моделей
Всем привет! 21 июля провели встречу-мероприятие по гигиене моделей, поделились опытом о работе со старыми моделями. Отдельное спасибо @dmitrii.mamaev за рассказ о кейсе с переходом на Custom Versions с упором на результаты и подводные камни. Запись доступна по ссылке:…
Let's get to know our Community Bosses: share a fun fact about yourself!
Welcome to the Community Boss private group— where the magic of collaboration and camaraderie happens! As we embark on this journey together, let's kick things off with a fun fact for all of you to get to know one another! In the spirit of building connections and celebrating our uniqueness beyond Anaplan, I challenge each…
Event Registration - API Developer Virtual Meetup
Hi All Our first event for 2023 is right around the corner! Agenda: Welcome and Intro Update from the Anaplan team Demo Q&A Event times: AMER/EMEA: 25th July 09:00-10:00 (PDT) APAC/EMEA: 26th July 13:00-14:00 (SGT) We will record the sessions for those who cannot make the times listed Registration Steps: Register here ⇒…
Восстановление удаленных моделей
Небольшое, но очень приятное обновление. Теперь без обращения в поддержку можно посмотреть и восстановить удаленные модели в течении 30 дней. Пользуйтесь на здоровье, но старайтесь не удалять прод модели :)