Calling all Model Builders that have expertise in transformations!
Our UX team is looking for users to take part in a usability study that have expertise of transformation in Anaplan or ADO. To test out the Blueprint View, with sessions taking place between 7th-11th October. To participate and offer your feedback, please click on the link below: Participants will receive a gift card of…
Register now for Customer Platform Release Webinar - 30th October
Delighted to share the registration link to the next Customer Platform Release webinar scheduled for the 30th October. This session will include a Product overview as well as live demonstrations and QA. Here are just a few of the topics being highlighted: Conditional formatting - (including font color) Rich text formatting…
Inscrivez-vous ! La communauté Anaplanners France se réunit en présentiel le 12 novembre prochain
Cher(e)s Anaplanners France, Vous avez été nombreux à suivre nos trois derniers webinaires Call Anaplanners France depuis novembre 2023 – Merci infiniment ! Mais l’équipe Customer Success France cherchera toujours à vous apporter un peu plus… Alors nous vous invitons pour une session spéciale le 12 novembre 2024 à partir…
Inscrivez-vous ! La communauté Anaplanners France se réunit en présentiel le 12 novembre prochain
Cher(e)s Anaplanners France, Vous avez été nombreux à suivre nos trois derniers webinaires Call Anaplanners France depuis novembre 2023 – Merci infiniment ! Mais l’équipe Customer Success France cherchera toujours à vous apporter un peu plus… Alors nous vous invitons pour une session spéciale le 12 novembre 2024 à partir…
Aug 24 Mastering Advanced Revenue & Sales Forecasting with Anaplan (by Tekplanit)
Hi Group Members, On August 8, we conducted the second webinar in our six-part series on best practices for use cases, in collaboration with our partners at Tekplanit. The session focused on the topic of Mastering Advanced Revenue & Sales Forecasting with Anaplan. Several participants attended and brought forward their…
September 2024 AnaplaNation Group Meeting Recap on Model Optimization Best Practices Part 2
Hi Group Members, We hosted the August group event on 9/24 with a presentation on Model Optimization Best Practices Part 2: SUM and LOOKUP The presentation material and recording link are shared below: APAC Featuring guest speaker: Kenneth Privaldos, Model Performance Specialist, Model Optimization, Anaplan AnaplanNation…
Calling all Polaris users!
Our Product and UX team is looking for your support on some new features focusing on Polaris model performance, with sessions taking place between 1-11th October. To participate and offer your feedback, please click on the link below: Thank you! Kat
Higher Education Model Builder Forum, Sep 18th at 12n CDT
Get ready to build along! This session will be led by Eric Doherty from our partner Allitix. If you haven't received an invitation to this event, please email Robin Salk (robin.salk@anaplan.com) Higher Education Model Builder Forum Agenda: Build along (1 hour): Conditional formatting (we didn't have time for this last…
Sécurisez la Gestion des Habilitations : Un Contrôle Renforcé pour la Création des Utilisateurs
Bonjour, Anaplan propose cette semaine une nouvelle fonctionnalité permettant de renforcer la ségrégation des tâches entre l'administration des modèles et la création des utilisateurs. Auparavant, accorder le rôle de "Workspace Admin" à un utilisateur lui permettait non seulement de configurer un modèle (en créant des…
Public instructor-led Model Builder training now also available in EMEA
Upskill your team with best-in-class training. Length: 4 days - 6 hours per day (including the exam). Course capacity: Up to 12 participants Price: $1750.00 At the end of this course, your team will be able to: Identify the elements of DISCO (Data, Input, System, Calculation, and Output) in a model schema. Build a model in…
Poll: April 3, 2024 - Anaplan Support Session with Community Bosses
Hi Community Bosses, Hope you’re all doing well! Last week, @KirillKuznetsov suggested this great idea for us to host a session with Anaplan Support team: Fantastic idea, Kirill! He suggested we meet with the Anaplan Support team so they can share their experience of working with Anaplan users/modelers, as well as the team…
New stuff!
Hope you've all seen show/hide on grids plus cascade in Management Reporting is now live. Remember seeing the first being mentioned at day 2 of UK Connect last year and have been looking forward to it's arrival. The 2nd, once I'd figured out how to make it work, is going to really minimise effort across a number of our…
Webinar: How to Build Management Report Pages in Anaplan
Hi everyone, I'm at Houston Christian University. We partner with TruEd on building out our Anaplan database. I'm constantly looking for webinars to learn and improve and wanted to share their upcoming workshop. It's titled "Tru Consulting Workshop: How to Build Management Report Pages in Anaplan"; scheduled for April 4,…
I did not already see a place for this so figured we could have this as a place for all to go through and provide introductions. If you're new here, we'd love for you to introduce yourself to us and others in the group! If you feel comfortable, start by sharing: Where you are based? What brought you to the Higher Education…
2024 Anaplan ジャパン ユーザー会 Spring 開催のご案内
この度弊社では、ユーザー会を実施する運びとなりました! 2024 年 5 月 24 日(金)にて、100名規模でのユーザ会を予定しております。 同じ業界、同じ業務で Anaplan を活用いただくお客様同士でご交流いただくことで、 日々の Anaplan のご活用及び運用における示唆を得る場としていただければ幸いで す。 ご多忙の折とは存じますが、何卒ご参加賜りますようお願い申し上げます。 お申し込み:https://forms.office.com/r/EyUdwUq37B 締切日:2024 年 5 月 10 日(金) 定員:100 名(1 社あたり 2 名様のご参加をお願いいたします)…
ESG Assets for demo
Are there ESG assets (ex. GHG assessment, reporting ESG, ...) which can use for demos ?
Modeling for self managing teams.
#Anaplan software modelers have the awesome opportunity to support collaboration within self-managing teams. Giving them more time to focus on the joy of their work. Check out the myriad tasks of this nursing team in Frederick Laloux‘s timeless text, Reinventing Organizations: “Within Buurtzorg (which means ‘neighborhood…
Where can you find model building inspiration?
What inspiration can #Anaplan model builders draw from Robin Wall Kimmerer and Brandy Tuttle about including DEIA and ESG metrics in their work? “The ancients carry teachings in the ways that they live. They remind us of the enduring power that arises from mutualism, from the sharing of the gifts carried by each species.…
ウェビナー : Anaplan advantage - Anaplanの優位性
オンラインセミナー 概要 日時: 2024年4月11日 (木) 14:00-15:00 場所: オンライン Anaplan advantage - Anaplanの優位性 このたび、プランニングソリューションの導入を検討されているお客様を対象に、Anaplanの優位性に関するオンラインセミナーを開催します。 Anaplanの提唱するコンセプト「コネクテッド…
Idea for a session: Anaplan Support
Hi all, I have got an idea. What if we organize a meeting with Anaplan Support team representatives so they can share their experience of dealing with Anaplan users and modelers and we could share our feedback? Please share your thoughts. I can help to lead this @becky.leung