New Large Volume Read APIs now available!
We’ve added a new set of transactional APIs that allow you to further improve your data integration processes. These APIs enable users to read large volume view and list item data that are larger than a million cells or list items. Integration users will now be able to read large volume data directly from a module view or list, and without requiring to setup Export actions beforehand.
See screenshots and descriptions below for more detailed information.
APIs for reading large volume view data & list item data:
- Initiate large read requests
- Retrieve status of large read requests
- Download pages
- Delete read requests
Check out the Anaplan Integration API Guide to learn more about these APIs.
Export actions also allow us to add "labels" to the view that we are exporting, drawing from the properties of the dimensions that are applied to the module.
Is it possible to add this functionality to the large volume read APIs as well?
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I would be interested to learning how you can label an export as well for the New Large Volume Read API.
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