Best practice model building

Currently looking at additional use cases for Anaplan, including using for a 5 year planning horizon, rather than the current 24 month one. Question has come up around level of detail that wish to plant at and hence the impact on model size and looking for tips in terms of best practice when building out model

Example, some of the lists that are to be referenced have number of members such as below:

Reporting Segments - 108

Sub Regions - 18

Product Groups 62

Is it best to build out model using more modules and reference subsets of these lists, rather than whole lists and make model sparse unnecessarily?

Getting similar requests on creating module for reporting purposes that has all main dimensions in, which essentially creates a huge cell count of 1.6bn!


  • Hi Chris! Thanks for initiating this discussion. Our platform adoption specialist, Ryan Kohn, has reviewed this. We encourage you to focus on the Planual and PLANS standard and not just the model size. Using subsets is one way to be dense-structured. There's also using numbered lists to concatenate dimensions.

    We also recommend you review and/or post model-building questions in the discussion forum for wider visibility where model-builders will respond quickly!

  • Thanks, I will take a look into the use of numbered lists to concatenate dimensions and post in modelling discussion forum as you suggest
