L3 Sprint2 User Story 3.2

Hi dear community,

After a great journey of Anaplan learning which went really smooth, I'm on the last mile and it's taking too long for just two line items I can't find a solution for :

  • Target : I'm using the TAR02 Account Review - Final Sales Targets
  • No of Accounts : I'm using the SYS02 Account Details - Count

I have the Sales Reps Flat as A1.Accounts parent and since the above two modules are dimensionned by A1.Accounts when I use the Sales Reps Flat for the two line items, I can get the right result in the subsidiary views but not on the below view which is dimensionned by G3S Sales Reps#.

I know that on L3 we should count only on ourselves but I can't find a way to solve it no matter what I tried.

Thank you everyone!

Best Answer

  • Arnab116
    Answer ✓

    Hi @bhdidou ,

    In the course there is a task to upload a sheet named "CYW+Sales+Reps+to+Accounts.csv" in to the Accounts module where the sales rep will get mapped to the respective accounts.

    Attaching the screenshot of the mapping module.

    Hope this helps!




  • Hi @bhdidou,

    I believe we have Mapping module where the A1 accounts are mapped with Sales Rep. So, we can sum it up based on the account targets to G3S Sales Reps# level.

    Hope this helps.



  • bhdidou
    edited February 2023

    Hi dear @Arnab116,

    Thank you for taking time to answer my question. By A1 accounts mapped with Sales Rep you mean mapped to Sales Rep Flat or G3S Sales Reps#? Although for the first one it's possible to create a mapping since I positionned Sales Rep as A1 Accounts parent, I don't know if I missed a step but I don't have such module.

    So when using the Sales Reps Flat as a dimension I can get the right result but not when using the G3S Sales Reps# in the QUO07 Quota Sales Reps

    Many thanks!


  • bhdidou
    edited February 2023

    Hi @Arnab116,

    Thank you so much for the very useful help. I imported the mentioned file into a list instead of a module. I changed that after your hint and everything is good now.

  • You are welcome :)

    Happy Learning !

  • @bhdidou,@Arnab116 - Can you give some hints. I am getting values in subsidiary view with account & G3S SALES REP# dimension but the target field shows zero value in the main module which is having G3S Sales Rep# dimension

  • @bhdidou,@Arnab116 btw I have the mapping module as Arnab has suggested with accounts dimension

  • msaeedkhan
    edited December 2023
  • How do I calculate the Quota lineitem?