I am trying to create a module where I will have a list that rolls up to two different parents.

I am getting an error "an invalid Applies To for Test because Domestic and International have a common ancestor."

I am trying to create a module with few list member that rolls up to two different parents. For example- Product A Product B is a part of Domestic Sales destination and Product C and Product D is a part of International Sales Destination.

Also Product A is a part of Domestic A channel category, Product B is Domestic B category. Also Domestic A and B is a child of Domestic Sales Destination.

I tried to create subset under Domestic Sales Destination with Domestic A and Domestic B and call those in module as separate dimension but getting error "an invalid Applies To for Test because Domestic and International have a common ancestor."

Please guide me.


  • Hi @Dasgups3 ,

    From your question,

    The correct list structure should be for a possible solution to your problem You can also choose to keep Domestic A and Domestic B as a property of the list that has elements (A,B, C and D)This would depend upon the exact requirement you have. Hope this helps,Regards,Aakash Sachdeva
  • Product




    Product A


    Product B


    Product C


    Product D



    Total Domestic

    Product E


    Product F



    Total International

    I want the set up like this. DomesticA, DomesticB should be a channel list separately and also Product A will roll up to Domestic A and Domestic. I have created a list for Product A, Product B that rolls up to Domestic and created Channel Subset. But that Subset is not taking in the module dimension. Getting error.