Error Pulling Specific Product Data Across Modules

Please advice on this!

I have Module 1 with the dimensions: Product_XYZ (Numbered list), Location
The line item in this module is 'Order Quantity' and the Product_XYZ subset list contains Products A, B, and C.

I also have Module 2 with these dimensions: Product_LMN (Numbered list), Location
The line item in this module is also 'Order Quantity', and the Product_LMN list contains Products D, E, F, and G .


I need to calculate a ratio where:

  • Ratio for Product D = Order Quantity for Product D / Order Quantity for Product A
  • Similarly, Ratio for Product E = Order Quantity for Product E / Order Quantity for Product A

Attempted Solution

To achieve this, I created Module 3 with dimensions: Product_LMN , Location

In Module 3, I added the following line items:

  1. 'Order Qty for Product_LMN': Pulled values from Module 2.
  2. Dimensioned this line item with 'Product-XYZ and Location'
    Order QTY for Product A'
    IF ITEM(Product_XYZ) = 'Product.A' THEN 'Order Quantity' ELSE 0However, Anaplan threw an error:
    "Product A is not a recognized line item or list member."


What is the correct way to pull the order quantity for Product A from Module 1 into Module 3 and use it for the ratio calculation?


Best Answers

  • derektslim
    Answer ✓

    Hi Isha,

    You may consider creating a SYSTEM module, to map your LIST: Product_XYZ to LIST: Product_LMN. Using Product_LMN as the dimension, create a Line Item called Mapping, with Format set as LIST: Product_XYZ. Then pick the products from Product_XYZ that you want mapped to the Product_XYZ products.

    Then in your Module 3, Order QTY for Product A, you leave the Dimension as Product_LMN , Location. The Line Item should point over to your Module 2 Order Quantity, and use a SUM pointing to the mapping line item created earlier (try LOOKUP if SUM does not work).

    Hope this helps!
    Derek Lim

  • Prajjwal88
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Isha ,
    If you always need to consider the value of Product A for ratio calculation, one of the easiest ways to achieve this is by creating a list-formatted (Product List) line item in a system lookup module. Select Product A in this line item (the product you need to consider for ratio calculation).

    In Module 3, instead of dimensioning the relevant line item with Product-XYZ and Location, dimension it only by Location. Then use the following formula:
    'Module 1'.Order Qty[LOOKUP: 'SYS01 Lookup'.'Product A'].

    You can then use this value in further calculations as required. Refer to the example screenshot for further assistance,

    I hope this helps.
