Failed to retrieve field list from the selected data source. Please check your import settings and
I'm received this error and it took a while to work out what it was.
In the "Source Models" it was pointing to the wrong environment, this is confusing because I could still see the "Saved Views" to click on, it would bail out straight after that with the error.
The complete error is:
"Failed to retrieve field list from the selected data source. Please check your import settings and try again."
Hopefully this will help someone when they google the error!
Thanks for you responses,
However I think you misunderstand, The error was solved by changing the "model source". I posted this, not because I needed help, but because the error message is ambiguous and took a while to find the answer. Hopefully when someone now googles the same error, they will find this post an know how to resolved it.
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Hi @CM ,
I'm getting this same error but not sure where you changed it. Did you change it on the Source Model tab (settings > source models) OR the Import Data Sources, under actions (settings > actions > import data sources)?
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Hi @datafinalytics - yes, you have to change the mapping in settings -> Source models. Click on Edit mapping and map it to the correct workspace/model.
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Thanks for the reply! I ended up not even changing the mappings. I just copied new models, archived the previous models, and was able to follow the directions from there. I think it was a bug in the original model download.
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I had to complete delete the actions in order to reimport the data from the other model. I tried changing sources, but I had to delete the actions and then the sources.
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'I had to complete delete the actions in order to reimport the data from the other model. I tried changing sources, but I had to delete the actions and then the sources.'
This is what i had to do in the end for it to work even after trying everything above.
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Thank you @CM
Your prediction was spot on!. I googled the error message and found this page. I was able to solve the problem immediately.
Many thanks.
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Thank you @CM.
Your post was really helpful!