Q&A: Launching Your Certified Model Builder Journey
As more people outside of the Anaplan ecosystem hear about the power of our platform, they're asking, "How can I get involved?" We recently spoke to two such individuals who took an interest in Anaplan and paved their own way toward becoming a model builder. Meet David McCarthy and Garie Walsh. Both individuals come from…
As Easy As 1, 2, 3
We’ve heard from more than a few talented Anaplanners that their passion for the platform is so strong—they couldn’t imagine working on any other platform out there. They want to continue to expand their skill set and stay within the Anaplan ecosystem, while also advancing their careers. Great news! Anaplan has developed…
Anaplan Careers: Industry vs. Consulting
A career as a model builder in Anaplan has two avenues: industry and consulting. In over three years of model building, I worked in two distinct industry jobs. In September 2019, I moved into the consulting avenue when I joined Spaulding Ridge, 2020 AMER Partner of the Year. In this blog, I will address the different…
What Makes a Good Anaplanner?
Hello current and future Anaplanners! I’m Josh King and from my perspective as a current Anaplan exclusive partner and former Anaplan VP, I’d like to share the core values and skill sets that make for a great Anaplanner. I joined Anaplan in 2011, just after the product went commercial and was one of the first 10 employees.…
Interviewing with Anaplan: More Tips for Success
Anaplan is continuously looking for new talent, from interns to senior leaders. Regardless of your experience level, being considered for a new position can be a daunting process; every company is different, with different methods of evaluating potential new employees. If you've applied and are starting to prepare for that…
60 Tips for Acing Your Anaplan Interview
Have you ever wondered what it takes to join the Anaplan ecosystem? Are you in the process of applying and want some insider information on what we look for when interviewing? If so, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve asked Anaplan employees to submit their top tips for interviewing within the Anaplan ecosystem. Ready…