2.3.10 Activity: Create Demand Forecast (Big doubt )
Hello Everyone I have a logical question to make sure my approach and formula is correct for demand forecast in question on the LEVEL 2 SPRINT 2 activity . As we see, we have to create the baseline forecast for the current FY by importing the historic volumes data to the current FY from previous year FY19 data which we…
2.3.10 Activity: Create Demand Forecast Sprint 2
Hello Everyone I have a logical question to make sure my approach and formula is correct for demand forecast in question on the LEVEL 2 SPRINT 2 activity . As we see, we have to create the baseline forecast for the current FY by importing the historic volumes data to the current FY from previous year FY19 data which we…
- Create Build Region Saved View Level 2 Create Build Region Saved View Create a saved view for importing: Module Name: SYS05 Region Details Saved View Name: Build Region Include: Code and items Make sure to select SHOW for the Code line item and save the view. This will ensure that as new line items are added, they will not be included in the saved view…
Cant able to open Sprint 1 course in Level 2
Hello Everyone I have finished Level 1 and got the certification and continued to Level 2 introduction class, and I have finished it . but when I opened the sprint 1 class, the cursor was not changing to the input method ( hand symbol ) to click and start the course. the course open button remains like the text Can I know…
You Have Been Removed From the Talent Builder Program
Dear Rahul, Our records show you have not completed any courses in the last 30 days of the Talent Builder program. Your account has been removed from the program due to inactivity, and your access to an Anaplan workspace through this program has been revoked. Please, DO NOT CONTACT Anaplan support teams as they do not…
- Add DCA to INV01 Inventory Ordering - Level 2 Sprint 3
The hint for this module is below: Below is my work: My formula is different than what the module hint suggested and was wondering if it still works. For simplicity in my explanation I will name each line A-E A. Submit Purchase Order Request? B. Override Suggested Order Amount? C. Override Amount D. Override Shipping…
can we have a multi select filter as a page selector in Anaplan?
similar to what we have in excel filtering…can we use page selectors to select multiple boolean formatted line items. Snapshot attached
Cards Filtering Other Cards
You will see two cards in the attached photo. Card 3 is departments for a company, and Card 4 are the capital request submissions for each department. My issue is that if i click on any project in card 4, it filters card 3. Basically, if say card 4 has project ABC that belongs to department "Queens Burger", which is part…
Doubts regarding Anaplan L1,L2 and Anaplan way
Dear Team, I am a new joiner in Anaplan, I want to learn Anaplan and start my career into Anaplan. I need Anaplan trial workspace for my L1 and L2 Certifications but its showing first should learn Anaplan way then only trial workspace will be given by anaplan team, so I am confussed, first what should learn . so please do…
Talent Builder Independent Page Builder Role
I would like to ask if Talent Builder Independent members are allowed to have Page Builder Role and Access to creating apps? I am now at Level 2 Model Building Sprint 2 and I cannot create an app on my workspace, only creating pages via My Pages. I am assuming that we do not have Page Builder Roles. Is this intentional or…
Level 2 Sprint 2/3 SYS08 issues with Parent Family
In rebuilding for the 2nd time due model loss, I am having an issue with getting the products to be assigned to their product family so I can get the correct values in SYS08 SKU Details and then use it in DEM03 Demand Forecast. Images are what is in SYS08 and the Blueprint of it. Where am I going wrong, it has become a…
- Create Saved View for Combination Chart
Can someone help me debug this, I've checked my SYS01 - Planning Period Filter Weeks. I am sure I am supposed to see the rest of my weeks and not be limited to week 8.
what does item() and code() do in lessons 6/7?
trying to figure out what each element in CODE(ITEM('E2 Employees#')) does - i have read the documentation https://help.anaplan.com/41298b7a-e877-40e8-8cfa-8d7009d8686f-ITEM and https://help.anaplan.com/0e20099c-af47-4343-9ad9-3a20b580d2de-CODE but still can't grasp the idea: what does item return? then what does code…
Sample Reporting
Good Day All I m looking for a sample report template on the assessment of incorporating two models into one ( like workspace optimization, impacts, and advantage ). Can anyone help to share the same? Thanks in advance.
How to combine 2 item line in General List's properties?
Hello everyone, I'm new in Anaplan and I got problem now. Could you help me for this case? So current now I have data such as below : General List : Supplier Current now in my screen, I use to filter Product only using "Supplier" -> show Supplier A But I want to change it become "Code_Supplier" -> show as 001_Supplier A I…
Hi, I am trying to map the E2 Employees# list subset mapping , pls tell me how to map here?
I have to get solution like this , see below screenshot
Regrading Model Builder Certificates.
I have Passed the Level 1, Level 2 and The Anaplan WAY. Also, completed the feedback questionnaire. However, its been 2 days, I have not received the Model Builder Certificates. Please advise. Thanks in advance.
issue with inventory modelling
i hope this message finds you well i would really like to have your insight and troubleshooting skills on the issue i am having with the inventory ordering module the following are the line items and have related screenshots with respect to the problem. formula of the line items: IF NOT 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st…
The Evolution of Talent Builder: Career Search
June 2023 update: please note this is an older blog post and the information has changed. Please go here for an overview of all our training programs. ………. During the March 2020 Anaplan Live! event, I announced a new initiative aimed at growing talent in the Anaplan ecosystem. We called it Anaplan Talent Builder. This…
Regarding Case: 00485851Reload of Anaplan Add-in Word/Excel/PowerPoint should land user to Home page
Current behavior of add-in is reload option land user to sign in page, which is not a good user experience, as due to current behavior user needs to again do the sign in process in oredr to navigate to Home Page of add-in, As per our suggestion it should be replaced with logic where reload lands user to same page which…
Anaplan Job Board?
Hello — does anyone know if there is still an Anaplan Jobs Board in Community? I have a position that I would like to post and I can't seem to locate this anymore…. it was part of the old platform and I wonder if it's not included anymore. Thanks, Stacey
APPS Access
For the free learner program (Anaplan Talent Builder), whom do I ask for granting me access to the Apps?
Additional practice models/builds
Hi Anaplan Community! I've completed the certified builder program, but am wondering whether there are any additional practice builds out there that I can attempt? e.g. I'd like to practice building an ICM/SPM model. Thanks!
L3 sprint 2 2.3.1 QUO01 Territory Account Validation
Hi everyone, I am a bit confused and have been stuck for a while, how to approach the line :" Assigned>1?: Is the account assigned to more than one territory? " also, what is the purpose of "cf_account" line? which modules should I reference? any ideas? Thank you!
Activity: Import Data into FP&A Model LVL2 Conclusion
I am trying to import the information from the INV05 Module but get items failing. This is my save view, how do i make for the G3 location list only show me the lowest level of information without the country and region? Thanks in advance
A doubt in functionality of "ALL" function
Hii Community, Here, Source module contains Employees Dimension, Department and Country as List formatted Line Items and Bonus as Boolean format Line Item as shown below. Target module contains Country as Dimension and Employees with Bonus as a Boolean formatted Line Item as shown below. When I am using "ALL" Function here…
L3 model building sprint1- 4.6 Model Build Specifications
Hi Everyone, I'm working on L3 training and feeling stuck. in section 4.6.5 we are asked to build the module that references PY FY19 sales. I was able to do it, but on the confirmation page from anaplan dimensions look different, but the numbers are correct in total and by product. I used A1 accounts, P2 Products lists. do…
13.3.1 Level 1 - Unable to create Margin Summary page
While creating Margin Summary page, I am getting error as "A page with this name already exists" and unable to create the page. Please help, thank you!! However, I am creating this page for the first time. (I am on 90 days Free trial)
How to merge two models into one?
Hello Team, Would like to check on the following : There is Product standalone report exists in two models. I would like to merge into one model for space optimization. what are the steps to be followed? An leads or advise on how to proceed this? Thanks in advance.
Connection: The Road to Anaplan
Anaplanners are, by nature, a unique group of curious, tenacious, problem-solvers—dedicated to a technology that is designed to be agile and resilient. Anaplan connects communities of people with data to enhance and optimize decision-making capabilities. And speaking of connections, that's exactly how Madison Marino began…