L3 model building sprint1- 4.6 Model Build Specifications

Hi Everyone, I'm working on L3 training and feeling stuck.

in section 4.6.5 we are asked to build the module that references PY FY19 sales. I was able to do it, but on the confirmation page from anaplan dimensions look different, but the numbers are correct in total and by product.

I used A1 accounts, P2 Products lists. do i need something else?

Thank you!

Best Answer

  • Shruthi
    Answer ✓

    Hi Ssudilovsky,

    By seeing your Screenshot, I can understand that DAT01.2 is for Previous year Data dimensioned with A1 accosection, unts, P2 Products lists.

    According to 4.6.5 Section, Module(Eg: DAT02) to Calculate the Current year Revenue should be Dimensioned with A2 Account to P1 Product List Mapping List to have Hierarchical View then pull the data from DAT01.2 using Lookup to bring previous year Revenue to Current year.

    Hope this answer helps you.

