Sample Reporting


Good Day All

I m looking for a sample report template on the assessment of incorporating two models into one ( like workspace optimization, impacts, and advantage ). Can anyone help to share the same?

Thanks in advance.


  • Hi Deleted User:)

    Given the limited details provided, it could be a minor or major analysis. Discussions with the business would be necessary. But if a client along with the architect can reasonably determine what the end-state of the model design will be, then WS optimization, impacts, and advantages could be discussed in terms of efficiencies gained in having a shared data hub, shared lists, shared users, similar roles, etc. Related to determining the likelihood of an overall optimization success (especially how it performs): with one model now that could be scaling in users size and formula complexity, that may be more difficult to determine as each conceptual area of DISCO would need processing estimates.

    So if an end-state model size can be reasonably estimated, good reference is provided here:

    The first step though would definitely be to saved and archive a copy of the original models.

