Custom Disaggregation


Hi - I have a hierarchy with two levels - L1 and L2 (L1 is the parent of L2). The sales data is at L2 level. The forecasting is carried out at L1 level. The disaggregation logic for the forecasting line item from L2 to L1 should be based on the average proportions of L2 to L1 for the last three month sales.

For example, we are in April now. We should consider the sales proportions between L1 and L2 for Jan, Feb and Mar (see below table):

Last 3M Sales Average
L1 ItemTOTAL900975800AVERAGEPercentage
L2Item 1300275500358.333333340%
L2Item 2600700300533.333333360%

Any forecast in any period generated for L1 item should disaggregate the quantities to the corresponding two items of L2 in 40% and 60% respectively.

Please note the average and the %age doesn't require any time scale and I can't use the MOVINGSUM function hence.


Regards - Guru


Best Answer

  • kavinkumar
    Answer ✓

    HI @GuruAP,

    Interesting post!!

    Anaplan is a more dynamic, collaborative and intelligent tool to solve complex problems. In this case, using 'TIMESUM' function would ideally resolve your problem. Here you go with the below sample,








    Note: You should create attributes of L2 list in a system module and time-related line items in the System time module as part of Anaplan's best practice.

    I hope this helps and let me know if you have any concerns.