HELP Sprint 3 Level 2




I'm blocked on the sprint 3 when we have to create the INV02 Module. we have to realize a formula with this mapping diagram below on the line item " Safety Stock Flag Count" :



To do this, i create a line item called "country made" with the format "list : G2 Location" in the SYS08 Details SKU modules :



After this creation, i triedto create the formula for the line item " Safety Stock Flag Count".  The source is on the INV01 module so i thought we had to do a formula with x[LOOKUP:y] but if i use the SYS08 for "y" the formula doesn't work


  • Please could you not post questions on the training on this forum - The instructions for the training expressly ask that you try and work through the instructions and guidance without requesting help from the forums

    If there is a specific issue, then the Academy team will be able to help, but Level 2 is designed to make you have to think



  • I'm having a very hard time understanding this as well. I did the same thing but used the parent of distribution center for "Country Made in". It does'nt make sense why im getting an "Format of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the source" error. The module connects the SKU at the P3 level to the G2 country. I don't understand it. I even tried bringing in the "Country Made in" to the INV01 module and same error when i try to do a lookup.