Level 2: Conclusion Create Inventory Ordering Saved View and Export


For creating the export and saved view for Inventory Ordering, my beginning inventory is different from the data given by Anaplan to check.


This is due to the data imported while attempting my Sprint 3 exam to update Submit Purchase Order Request?




So shall I delete the data imported to match it to the exported data?


Kindly help




  • @kalakantisneha 

    Your beginning inventory will always be last week's ending inventory. So logically it looks good to me.


    However if you remove the purchase order request from Week 1 and place it in Week 2, you will see the numbers will match for Week 2 Beginning Inventory with the file provided. Bottom line is that I think logically it looks good but Make sure that you place purchase order requested as asked in the lesson and randomly


    Hope that helps


    Miz Logix