Saved View with fixed filter on the NUX Page



I created a saved view from the source module on which I set a fixed filter.

For example show value only for USD and only one version. 

When I connect with this view via Excel Add-In everything works, the value are show only to USD and one version 


When I create a worksheet on the NUX page and apply this saved view as the source, it shows all the values without the filter. 
Why is this happening?

What should I do to make the NUX Page take into account the filters saved in the saved view?


Thank you in advance for support.

Best regards, 





  • @Dominika_Dudzinska 


    In NUX you probably might be using Custom views. You will have to use Module Views and then pick up that particular saved view.

    Hope that helps


  • Hello, 

    No, I've used  Module Views -> select saved view with filter. 

    But I set up again filter on this view and Publish, it works. 


    Best regards, 