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Re: (NMX) L2 Model Building - Sprint 3
Based on the formula you provided, it seems that you are trying to calculate the "Confirmed Purchase Order Receipt" for the INV01 Module. However, there appears to be an issue with the formula logic.
The formula uses an IF statement to check if the "Confirmed PO Delivery" is greater than zero. If that condition is met, it uses the OFFSET function to retrieve the "Final Shipment Amount" value with an offset of "-Final Shipping Time Weeks" rows above the current cell. Otherwise, it returns 0.
The problem may lie in the usage of the OFFSET function. It is essential Clarks Customer Survey to ensure that the referenced cells and ranges are correct. Check if "Final Shipment Amount" and "Final Shipping Time Weeks" are accurately defined ranges or cell references in the worksheet.
Furthermore, verify if the units of "Final Shipping Time Weeks" align with the requirements of the OFFSET function, as it requires a numeric value for the row offset.
To troubleshoot the formula, cross-check the cell references, make sure the data types are compatible, and validate the logic against the intended calculation. By thoroughly reviewing and testing the formula, you should be able to identify and rectify the issue, helping you to achieve your certification goal. Good luck!
Re: (NMX) L2 Model Building - Sprint 3
I think you should be applying IF Confirmed PO Delivery <> 0 THEN……….
<> is not equal to sign,
Hope it helps 😊
Re: 'Used in Dashboards' and 'Used in Action/Import' for SAVED VIEWS
Can we also add 'Used in Export Action' as well? Biggest pet peeve right now when doing integrations out of Anaplan is not knowing which saved view is associated to the export action!
Re: Dynamic Cells Calculation (DCC)
I think it would be really challenging for the Anaplan calculation engine to evaluate every cell if it is a "Manual Input" or "Calculation", but an extension to the "Formula Scope" to cross with other Lists than Versions in order to create some slice&dice of a module be considered as "Input" or as "Calculation" for the same Line-item it would be really useful.
Looking forward to it!
Re: Period Function is not giving the desire output.
Hi Araj,
Indeed the period function will only retrieve and show periods that you have in your model calendar (time settings).
Though, this works with time ranges as well. So if you need to display a specific time range as a result of a period or have a function that should calculate beyond the model calendar setting, you can manage that by using a time range.
Hope this helps, Andris.
Re: Selective access for lists from dashboards.
Without knowing what was put together, it is a bit difficult to help diagnose the issue. Try breaking it up the the None part of the action and the Read/Write (so run an action with just the None setting, then another action for the Read/Write action) and see if that helps or changes your outcome.
Re: Delete Dormant Users from the Anaplan Tenant Admin Tool
Any idea where this is on the roadmap in terms of timescales? Our list of users that require deletion is only getting larger
Re: About deleting module data
If I understand you currently you would like to delete the data in the modules after each year as it is no more relevant, please explore bulk copy functionality to copy 0 into these modules from one year into another year.
Thanks & Regards
Badam Anjani Prasad
Matasma Digital
Re: About deleting module data
Hi @toshihiko ,
Can you please explain the requirement more in detail why do you want to delete data from 100+ Modules?
otherwise, you have to create multiple actions to clear the data from the modules, you can refer below link for your reference