New webcast series for model builders and end users starting 4/30!
Hey everyone, I'm pleased to announce we are starting a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! A number of people will be presenting from our Operations Excellence Group, among others, to provide a "how-to" and deep…
New webcast series for model builders and end users starting 4/30!
Hey everyone, I'm pleased to announce we are starting a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! A number of people will be presenting from our Operations Excellence Group, among others, to provide a "how-to" and deep…
New webcast series for model builders and end users starting 4/30!
Hey everyone, I'm pleased to announce we are starting a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! A number of people will be presenting from our Operations Excellence Group, among others, to provide a "how-to" and deep…
New webcast series for model builders and end users starting 4/30!
Hey everyone, I'm pleased to announce we are starting a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! A number of people will be presenting from our Operations Excellence Group, among others, to provide a "how-to" and deep…
New webinar series for model builders and end users starting 4/30
Hey everyone, I'm pleased to announce we are starting a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! A number of people will be presenting from our Operations Excellence Group, among others, to provide a "how-to" and deep…
New Webinar Series for model builders and end users starting 4/30
Hey everyone, I'm pleased to announce we are starting a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! A number of people will be presenting from our Operations Excellence Group, among others, to provide a "how-to" and deep…
New Webcast Series for Model Builders and End Users Starting 4/30
Hey everyone, I'm pleased to announce we are starting a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! A number of people will be presenting from our Operations Excellence Group, among others, to provide a "how-to" and deep…
New Webcast Series for model builders and end users
Hey everyone, I'm pleased to announce we are starting a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! A number of people will be presenting from our Operations Excellence Group, among others, to provide a "how-to" and deep…
New webcast series for model builders and end users
Hey everyone, I'm pleased to announce we are starting a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! A number of people will be presenting from our Operations Excellence Group, among others, to provide a "how-to" and deep…
New Webinar Series for model builders and end users 4/30
Hey everyone, I'm pleased to announce we are starting a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! A number of people will be presenting from our Operations Excellence Group, among others, to provide a "how-to" and deep…
It's Time to Rollover
It's Time to Rollover For many institutions, it’s that time of year or very close to it at least. You know what time I’m talking about – model rollover time. Whether you are in the midst of rolling over your models or preparing to rollover your models, we hope that this article provides some insight for you and sparks…
Release de 15 juillet 2023 : Quelques nouveautés à savoir
Bonjour, Suite à notre denière release de ce week-end, je souhaite partager avec vous certaines nouveautés à prendre en compte : Le 'Summary' par défaut des Line Items au format 'Number' sera désormais 'None" (pour les nouveaux LI) En effet nous avions l'habitude de conserver le Summary à 'SUM' pour tout les LI au format…
Upcoming Event Dates - Demo volunteers
Hi all We're planning a virtual event for 25th/26th of July (invites to be sent soon). We're seeking for volunteers that would like to demo a solution they've built that incorporates the Anaplan APIs. The demo should be around 15-20 min. Please send me a direct message with your interest in presenting your solution to the…
MBTP : Un exemple de 'Management Report' dans le modèle MBTP
Bonjour, Pour améliorer l'expérience de vos utilisateurs, l'utilisation d'une page type 'Management report' peut être une solution pour enrichir l'expérience UX et mieux diffuser l'information. Cette page offre à vos utilisateurs une expérience similaire à PowerPoint, avec des fonctionnalités de mise en forme avancées.…
MBTP : 'Modèle Builders : Techniques et Partage', Lancement 1ère vague - Inscrivez-vous
Bonjour, Bienvenue aux 18 nouveaux membres depuis la semaine dernière !!!! Comme évoqué lors du dernier France Call Anaplanner, nous lançons une initiative ayant comme objectifs : de collecter et expliquer des techniques utiles : Faire expérimenter ces fonctionnalités (en tant qu’utilisateur), Fournir les informations et…
Varying level between backtest and results
Hello, After importing backtest results I'm noticing that the level of the backtest does not agree with the level of the forecast results (screenshots below) and this is across all foreecast nodes. Thankfully, the level of the forecast results seems to align with the level of historical actuals. Unfortunately, the…
Panel questions for India Community launch
Hello all, since we can't use OneDrive externally, lets share your questions here so others could view it as well. SG Community launch feedback for team’s reference: Create more community awareness among Anaplanners; create more leverage - Get them to register/subscribe to Community Forums Create Support info deck on links…
Optimisation des modèles - Episode 1
Bonjour, Découvrez les techniques Anaplan issues du ‘Planual’ permettant d’optimiser la performance de vos modèles. En me basant sur un modèle d’un client, je vous explique les étapes pour identifier les points d’amélioration et comment les corriger. Dans ce premier épisode je montre les règles suivantes du 'Planual' : *…
Découvrez comment connecter vos données Anaplan avec Google Sheets
Bonjour, Lorsque vous avez besoin d'importer des données d'Anaplan dans Google Sheets, vous avez généralement une options courante : utiliser l'Add-on for Google Sheets. Cependant, je suis ici pour vous présenter une deuxième solution qui peut être très utile : Anaplan -> Google Big Query -> Google Sheets. Dans cette…
Introducing our new Community Boss program
Welcome, Community Bosses! We are thrilled to announce the launch of our re-imagined Community Boss program! This program, which was initially introduced in 2019, is brought back with exciting new features and updates. The Community Boss program is designed specifically for our dedicated and passionate users like you, who…