Anaplan Mobile users: Earn $150 and improve the experience
Hi all, We’re inviting current users of the Anaplan mobile app to share details about their experiences. We are looking for business users, not model builders, so please forward this on to your colleagues if needed. This two-week research study involves completing a series of four brief tasks in the Anaplan mobile app and…
DYK - Week 4
“DID YOU KNOW” WEEK 4: DATA WRITE Did You Know? That “Data Write” action lets you update Today’s date & Current Logged- In User without creating an Import action in the back-end. “Data Write” on UX can help you update any cell (intersection of dimension) at a time without creating any action in the backend. The best part…
Blog: Headcount planning and attrition forecasting accuracy, enabled by Anaplan and PlanIQ
How many versions of headcount reports and forecasts do you have around your company? How quickly and accurately can you answer questions about how many people you have today, and how many people you are going to have in 6 months or a year from now? Like many organizations, the Finance and HR teams at Anaplan each had…
Anaplan’s Product team presents our latest Q2 2022 platform roadmap!
Please join us on 7th June at 9am BST to see Anaplan’s Product team present our latest Q2 2022 platform roadmap! Join us as we talk all things new and upcoming at Anaplan! Register for the event here
Planning our Modellers Forum 2022 vision!
Good morning all! So just to keep you up to speed with what is happening in the world of the UKI Modellers Forum...this morning @Paul , @ChanD and I are having a planning session to chart an exciting roadmap for the year ahead. Expect to hear from us with some future dates...and hopefully...some in person offerings at our…
Five Community resources people are talking about
One of the most powerful elements of Community is connecting and learning from peers — discovering what tools they find valuable. This article highlights recent resources that have garnered positive feedback and comments among the Community. If you missed these posts the first time around, check out the feedback here and…
WEEK 3: Auto Refresh vs Manual Refresh https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6934404229960740864 DID YOU KNOW? That Pages/Dashboards can be refreshed automatically when you make any change in the filter dropdown on any Page/Dashboard. Let’s say there is a module which needs to be filtered by “Managers”.…
WEEK 2 : Scrolling Sync https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6931865039272341505 DID YOU KNOW? That you can sync scrolling on your grid cards of UX. If there are multiple grids published on the UX, it used to be annoying for end users to scroll grids multiple times to the see the relevant and meaningful…
Predictive Forecasting and Agile Scenario Planning
Anaplan Extends Intelligence Capabilities with PlanIQ for Predictive Forecasting and Agile Scenario Planning September 15, 2020 New integration with Amazon Forecast arms business users with easy to understand machine learning-driven insights and predictions SAN FRANCISCO, CA, SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 — Anaplan, Inc. (NYSE:…
Tech talk: UX adoption and experiences
This spring Anaplan’s Operational Excellence Group (OEG) hosted several listening sessions with top Certified Master Anaplanners to connect and collaborate on a variety of Anaplan hot topics. The first session covered troubleshooting calculations; check out OEG host Mark Warren’s recap — featuring techniques and best…
[CLOSED] End users: provide your feedback on cell level commenting
The UX Research team is looking to gather feedback from end users about a brand new concept for cell level commenting in Anaplan. The study is happening this week, with slots available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Sign up here: https://airtable.com/shrcw1Q6PX6eCHagH * Unfortunately partners are not eligible to receive…
Not Anaplan related but general good awareness for all - how secure is your password?!
Thought it was worth sharing - food for thought!
Power BI enhancements and upcoming improvements!
For all of you PowerBI users integrating via the connector, have you seen the latest enhancements - the big step being the increase from 1GB to 5GB for data export. Also...I know this has been a bugbear for some and it is scheduled to be resolved as of next month - no automatic 35 minute timeout on authentication! Changes…
April 2022 releases and May sneak peek
Take a look at our April 2022 releases and a sneak peek at May releases! Released in April * User Experience * Intelligence * Extensibility Updates Targeted for May * User Experience * Collaboration Click here to find out more!
Maximising Value through Management Reporting
Maximising Value through Management Reporting Join us for a an hour with focus on Management Reporting. Meet a customer to see how they have leveraged the functionality. Times in the agenda is in UK timezone. Agenda: 2:00pm - 2:15pm: How Management Reporting has helped Aviva! 2:15pm- 2:40pm: Management Reporting - Recent…
Did You Know? FORMs in UX do not require you to create Numbered lists. It works well with both General as well as Numbered lists. FORMS are used to let end users add the list items (only on Production Lists in Deployed Mode) and its associated properties directly from the UX. As an analogy FORMS is equivalent to CREATE…
Modelers Forum UK - May 2022
Join @CatherineH and @Paul for their Modelers Forum event on Wed, May 25, 4:00 PM (BST) The modelers forum is a great place to share ideas and knowledge about the Anaplan platform. As a group they talk about a range of topics including best practice model building, use cases and how they influence our decision making,…
Maximising Value Through Management Reporting
Join our 'Maximising Value Through Management Reporting' event on May 26th at 2pm BST! Join us for our second instalment of our Management Reporting series: * We'll be speaking with Aviva - they'll be sharing their experience with Management Reporting with us all! * Our product team will then share the latest and greatest…
Maximising Value Through Management Reporting - event May 26th
Sure to be a fantastic session with Master Anaplanner and Community Gury(!) @andrewtye from Aviva - Join on May 26th at 2pm for some genuine insights and ways to add value - directly from an Anaplan customer. Sign up here!
That reminds me...
We also have our own event coming up in May too! May 25th to be exact. Hope you can make it. https://usergroups.anaplan.com/events/details/anaplan-modelers-forum-uk-presents-modelers-forum-uk-may-2022/
Maximising Value Through Management Reporting
Our very own @andrewtye is presenting on May 26th if you can join. I know I will be... https://usergroups.anaplan.com/events/details/anaplan-uk-and-ireland-presents-maximising-value-through-management-reporting/
Model Builders: Help us shape the future of the modeling experience!
Anaplan's User Experience Research team is looking to understand how model builders are currently creating modules. Your response will help us build out the modeling experience in the new UX. Please complete this short (less than 10-minute) independent exercise to provide your expertise. Thank you!
Blog: Workforce planning, people analytics, and HR reporting: A powerful partnership
Check out another great post from @RupertB about the three foundational components that are necessary for organizations to drive an effective HR strategy that achieves business goals. Rurpert shares how building a strong partnership among teams that are responsible for 1) accurate data, 2) easy-to-understand analytics, and…
Five Community resources people are talking about
One of the most powerful elements of Community is connecting and learning from peers — discovering what tools they find valuable. Today we highlight recent resources that have garnered positive feedback and comments among the Community. If you missed these posts the first time around, check out the feedback here and how it…
Workspace Management - Hints and Tips
Sharing a useful article on how to manage workspaces. Advice, hints and tips, recommendations on concepts, structures to help organise and reduce workspace size https://community.anaplan.com/t5/How-To/Workspace-management/ta-p/135411
Why Anaplan solutions are critical to global climate change challenges
The green economy of the future: More data, planning rigor, and technology support Climate change is the most critical challenge of our generation — it also provides opportunities for businesses to create economic value. Clean energy transition is now a transformational business disruption affecting every aspect of an…
How are you using APIs at Anaplan?
Please take this short (less than 5-minute) survey to help inform the future of Anaplan's APIs.
Help Inform the future of Anaplan's APIs
Please take this short (less than 5-minute) survey to help inform the future of Anaplan's APIs.
Level 1 Model Builder Training (in German)
Hi all, we hope you had a good Easter break! We are organising a training to be delivered in German on w/c May 30. It will be delivered remotely over 5 days in that week, 4 hours per day. If you are interested, please comment here or reach out to your BP / AE for more info. Thanks, Michele