Ajoutez cet article à vos favoris pour rester informé des petites nouveautés d'Anaplan
Bonjour, Les petits ruisseaux alimentent les grands fleuves, de même qu'Anaplan dévoile régulièrement de subtiles innovations. Ces petites avancées peuvent se révéler extrêmement précieuses pour certains d'entre vous, tandis qu'elles peuvent sembler moins pertinentes pour ceux en quête d'annonces majeures. Il ne sera pas…
Calling all model builders: Share your feedback and impact our future plans!
The product and UX team at Anaplan is looking for your feedback on your current modeling experience, specifically focused on building an appreciation for the challenges you face as a model builder in Anaplan. This survey is designed to capture this detail, so that we can explore how to simplify and accelerate the modeling…
Découvrez notre nouvelle plateforme de l'Anaplan Academy !!
Bonjour Voici une information qui pourrait significativement améliorer votre expérience et celle de vos utilisateurs Anaplan, notamment en facilitant la montée en compétence sur la plateforme Anaplan. Nous venons de lancer le 4 décembre notre nouvelle plateforme Anaplan Academy !!!!! 📣 L'objectif est d'améliorer…
Accessibility - Share your experiences !
Anaplan User Experience Research team is looking to understand how we can make Anaplan more accessible for all users. Sessions will start the week of Dec. 11 and will be 45 minutes long. We offer a $60 incentive for participating if you are eligible (please check your company policies. Partners are unfortunately not…
Anaplan Community: Share your feedback
The Anaplan Community team is always looking for ways to improve your experience as our community members. We are launching an end-of-year survey to capture your feedback and experiences on the platform, so we can build a roadmap of improvements for 2025! The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. To…
Anaplan ANZ Newsletter - November 2024
Welcome to the November edition of Anaplan ANZ Customer Newsletter! This Australia & New Zealand specific content will help keep you apprised of the latest in our collaboration, inform you of product updates and industry news, and connect you with our broader Anaplan community and resources to stay at the top of your game.…
November 2024 AnaplaNation Group Meeting Recap on Model Optimization Best Practices Part 4
Hi Group Members, We hosted the November group event on 11/19 with a presentation on Model Optimization Best Practices Part 4: RANK Function The presentation materials are shared below: APAC Featuring guest speaker: Ara May Baral, Associate Model Performance Specialist, Model Optimization, Anaplan EMEA/AMER Featuring guest…
Upgrade of Academy Portal
Please note that the Anaplan Academy learning platform will be unavailable from November 25-December 2 while we transition to the new system.
Anomaly Detection - Share your experiences!
Anaplan's User Experience Research team is looking to understand how Anaplan users currently detect anomalies in data. Sessions will take place the week of Dec. 2, and will be an hour long. We offer incentives for participating at $75 if you are eligible (please check your company policies. Partners are unfortunately not…
Evolution du ‘Role-based Page Access’ permettant de limiter les accès de vos Pages Builders
Bonjour, Une nouvelle version de ‘Role-based Page Access’ a été lancée la semaine dernière. Cette évolution permet désormais de restreindre les droits des ‘Pages Builders’ à des pages spécifiques. Avant un petit rappel : Comme vous le savez, si la restriction des pages n’est pas activée, vos utilisateurs ont accès à…
Connect London Live!
Sign up here! It's at etc.venues, 133 Houndsditch, London https://events.anaplan.com/anaplanconnectlondon2024
Feature release information has moved to Anapedia.
In-line with industry best practices, our feature release information has moved from product.anaplan.com to Anapedia. They are now called "release notes". To receive notifications about updates to this page, please subscribe here . May 2024 Release notes: Geo-mapping Modeling Workflow Administration
Exclusive Preview: Community Boss Employees Program
Hello Community Bosses! I have some exciting news to share about our Community Boss program - something I shared that we would be including this year! We have expanded our Community Boss program to now include a select group of Community Boss Employees! I’ll be sharing the official announcement this week to the rest of…
Comment configurer une action de navigation conditionnelle ?
Bonjour, Depuis mars 2024, Anaplan propose l'action de navigation conditionnelle. Cette fonctionnalité permettant ainsi de diriger vos utilisateurs vers différentes pages en fonction de l'élément sélectionné avec 1 seul bouton. L'avantage principal réside donc dans la simplification de vos pages et l'amélioration de la…
Notifications about new researches
Hi all, Do you know how to subscribe to this group? I constantly miss new researches because I don't get notified. I can't find the "Follow" button like in the Forum @KatO maybe you know… Warm regards, Kirill
2024 Anaplan ジャパン ユーザー会 Spring 開催のお礼
この度はご多忙の中、「Anaplanジャパンユーザー会Spring」にご参加下さり、誠にありがとうございました。 年に2回「Anaplanジャパンユーザー会」を行なっており、次回は11月の開催を予定しております。 改めてご案内致しますので、お時間ございましたら是非ともご参加頂ければと存じます。 今後ともお付き合いのほど、何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。
Earn 200 points! Blog opportunities for Community Bosses
Hello Community Bosses! We’re working on the Community editorial calendar for June and beyond, and would love a few volunteers to take on some specific topics. Blogs are worth 200 points, and are usually 800-1500 words. Drafts are due 2-3 weeks before the go-live date. Please let me know if you’re interested and I’ll…
Boîte à outils : Fichier pour estimer le volumétrie d'un modèle
Bonjour, Dans le cadre de la méthodologie de projet 'The Anaplan Way', une phase revêt une importance capitale : la première phase "Pre-release". Au cours de cette phase, il est fortement recommandé de procéder à une estimation de la taille du modèle. Cet exercice est crucial car il oriente notamment le choix de…
Meet Our Members
There are so many extraordinary members in this group that we thought it was important to create a space for you to share a little more about who you are and all the exciting things you are up to! We know introduction threads can get a little awkward, so here are a few questions to help you get started: * What brings you…
Call Anaplanners France S4E2-Mars 2024-Part 4
Jérémy HERVAULT – Expert fonctionnel Anaplan & BI, AVRIL et Didier LE COADIC, Responsable Comp & Ben, SOCIETE GENERALE – nous ont fait part de leurs expériences de mise en place et d’utilisation d’Anaplan pour le Suivi et le pilotage de la masse salariale. Jérémy et Didier ont présenté les objectifs et le périmètre des…