End of Year Community Survey
Hi everyone, I hope the holidays are treating you all well! As we begin to transition to 2025, the community team is hoping you can share your feedback on your community experience. The Anaplan Community team is always looking for ways to improve your experience as our community members. With that in mind, we are launching…
End of Year Community Survey
Hi everyone, I hope the holidays are treating you all well! As we begin to transition to 2025, the community team is hoping you can share your feedback on your community experience. The Anaplan Community team is always looking for ways to improve your experience as our community members and group leaders. With that in…
End of Year Community Survey
Hi everyone, I hope the holidays are treating you all well! As we begin to transition to 2025, the community team is hoping you can share your feedback on your community experience. The Anaplan Community team is always looking for ways to improve your experience as our community members. With that in mind, we are launching…
End of Year Community Survey
Hi everyone, I hope the holidays are treating you all well! As we begin to transition to 2025, the community team is hoping you can share your feedback on your community experience. The Anaplan Community team is always looking for ways to improve your experience as our community members. With that in mind, we are launching…
Anaplan Wrapped 2024!
As we wrap up the year, the Customer Success team in ANZ wants to personally thank you for your continued partnership. And we look forward to continuing the journey in 2025! Happy Holidays from us to you! Also welcome to the December edition (and the last for the year) of Anaplan ANZ Customer Newsletter! This Australia &…
Une mise en forme encore plus flexible pour vos tableaux grâce à la nouvelle option Format > Format
Bonjour, Voici une fonctionnalité très attendue, offrant une flexibilité accrue pour le formatage des cartes 'Grilles' sur vos pages : Nouvelle option ‘Format > Format’. L’ajout de ce nouveau format vous offrira une précision encore plus grande dans la mise en forme de vos tableaux. Pour rappel, l’onglet "Format" vous…
Calling all model builders: Share your feedback and impact our future plans!
The product and UX team at Anaplan is looking for your feedback on your current modeling experience, specifically focused on building an appreciation for the challenges you face as a model builder in Anaplan. This survey is designed to capture this detail, so that we can explore how to simplify and accelerate the modeling…
Découvrez notre nouvelle plateforme de l'Anaplan Academy !!
Bonjour Voici une information qui pourrait significativement améliorer votre expérience et celle de vos utilisateurs Anaplan, notamment en facilitant la montée en compétence sur la plateforme Anaplan. Nous venons de lancer le 4 décembre notre nouvelle plateforme Anaplan Academy !!!!! 📣 L'objectif est d'améliorer…
Accessibility - Share your experiences !
Anaplan User Experience Research team is looking to understand how we can make Anaplan more accessible for all users. Sessions will start the week of Dec. 11 and will be 45 minutes long. We offer a $60 incentive for participating if you are eligible (please check your company policies. Partners are unfortunately not…
Anaplan Community: Share your feedback
The Anaplan Community team is always looking for ways to improve your experience as our community members. We are launching an end-of-year survey to capture your feedback and experiences on the platform, so we can build a roadmap of improvements for 2025! The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. To…
Exclusive preview – new Community Challenge kicking off on August 6, 2024
Hi Community Bosses, I wanted to give you all an exclusive preview to a brand new Community Challenge kicking off next week — the Builder Challenge! This is an opportunity to showcase your creativity and share the fun and innovative Anaplan model builds you've created. As a bonus, we will select participants to present…
Make your voice heard! Vote for CONSTANT disaggregation rule: Prices, Ratios, Percentages
Retail champions! Now is our chance to let Anaplan know that we need this disaggregation rule where we can edit a percentage, ratio, or price formatted line item at the parent level and have all the children below get the same value. Right now, only summable disaggregation works with breakback. Click here for all the…
August 28th! Live event in the North
Hey everyone, We have an event coming up in the North! Kindly being hosted by our friends at Asda, so Leeds to be specific. Sign up here: https://events.anaplan.com/modellersforumemeaaug24
Запись вебинара про распределенную архитектуру
Всем привет! 26 июля провели встречу по распределенной архитектуре, поделились своим опытом. Запись вебинара доступна по ссылке: Если у вас остались вопросы - можно спрашивать в этом топике!
Anaplan ANZ Newsletter - July 2024
Welcome to this month’s Anaplan Customer Newsletter! This JULY 2024 Anaplan ANZ newsletter includes: Update to the way we will be sharing our Anaplan News in ANZ Anaplan Exchange Sydney – don’t miss out! Anaplan Product and Feature Updates Upcoming Anaplan Events Content & Resources / On demand Webinars / Customer Stories…
Anaplan Workflow : Les évolutions essentielles à connaître
Bonjour, En septembre 2023, je vous ai présenté, à travers cet article, le lancement de notre nouvelle fonctionnalité : Anaplan Workflow. Quelques mois seulement après son lancement, je souhaite vous présenter les récentes nouveautés d'Anaplan Workflow, permettant d'orchestrer les étapes de manière encore plus efficace et…
Connect London Live!
Sign up here! It's at etc.venues, 133 Houndsditch, London https://events.anaplan.com/anaplanconnectlondon2024
Feature release information has moved to Anapedia.
In-line with industry best practices, our feature release information has moved from product.anaplan.com to Anapedia. They are now called "release notes". To receive notifications about updates to this page, please subscribe here . May 2024 Release notes: Geo-mapping Modeling Workflow Administration
Exclusive Preview: Community Boss Employees Program
Hello Community Bosses! I have some exciting news to share about our Community Boss program - something I shared that we would be including this year! We have expanded our Community Boss program to now include a select group of Community Boss Employees! I’ll be sharing the official announcement this week to the rest of…
Comment configurer une action de navigation conditionnelle ?
Bonjour, Depuis mars 2024, Anaplan propose l'action de navigation conditionnelle. Cette fonctionnalité permettant ainsi de diriger vos utilisateurs vers différentes pages en fonction de l'élément sélectionné avec 1 seul bouton. L'avantage principal réside donc dans la simplification de vos pages et l'amélioration de la…