2.4.7 Activity: Create Saved Views for UX

My DEM03 gROWTH RATE% FORMULA: 'DEM02 Volume Growth Rates by Week'.Growth %[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Product Family] It went through, however in further training 2.4.7 of Sprint 2 it is asking me to create a saved view which should look like ( below screenshot  as per the course)


But this issue is my DEM03 contains PRODUCT FAMILY and not SKU ( as per above lookup) hence not allowing me to get the sku details, the view I have is as below 


can someone please guide on how to fix this issue? 


Best Regards

Ankur Kulkarni 



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  • @ankulkarni 

    Good question and you're not alone. You'll need to go back to the course where you build out DEM03. I think you'll find, with careful examination, that the module should be dimensioned at SKU and Account. I'm guessing the instructions aren't super obvious. So, change from Product Family to SKU and you should be good to go. 

  • Correct, checked again and worked, Thank you 

  • Hi @JaredDolichPlease can you help?

    I have created a saved view as required for this activity but my work is markedly different from the example provided and i have not been able to figure out why.

    Here is my saved view as opposed to the example



    Here is how i set up the Pivot for the Saved view


    However i think the issue may have to do with my DEM03 Demand Forecast Model and here is how i set it up:





    Thank you for your help.




  • @kunle 

    You're in great shape! You just need to apply the filters or remove the levels. Me personally, I use filters because I may want to change my mind later or have it be dynamically filtered.

  • Hi @JaredDolich ,

    i have tried to apply filters as advised but struggling to achieve the screen. Please can you help with how i need to set up the filters.

    This is the view i am trying to achieve:


    Thank you.

  • Hi @kunle @JaredDolich 

    Even I am stuck at the same point, did you happen to find the solution for this.

    I am unable to get the view specified .

     I need Initial demand Forecast and Final Forecast columns to be shown  by month.

    Currently I see a full list of Initial demand forecast and then to the extreme right I see full list of Final Forecast Columns.


    Any help would be appreciated.


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