Level 2 Sprint 2 Create Product Family Manager Role
I trying to create the Product Family Manager Role in Sprint 2. I went into Roles and there was already a role for Product Family Managers created. Under Roles-Modules I gave DEM01 write, DEM02 read, DEM03 read, SYS01 read, SYS02 read, SYS03 read and SYS04 write. For roles-versions I gave write access for actual and forecast. And for roles-lists, I gave access to all of the list under geo, product and other. I don't see where I can further restrict access based on region. I have looked at the Anaplan Community and it looks like people are finding the info under the user tab, but I only have the headings email, first name, last name, model role, workspace admin, user id. I've been having issues with my browser, so I erased my cookies and reloaded everything **** I still don't have any other options.
Does anyone have a suggestion?
Best Answers
@LStinsa if understood ur query correctly then u want to restrict the access of selective access to selective Users.
If so then use the Selective Access access option under the list region.. there u can check the users and restrict the access accordingly.
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@LStinsa Leah,
- First you'll want to turn on Selective Access as @CommunityMember126793 recommended
- Second, you'll give yourself access to only the regions you want.
- Temporarily you'll need to change your role
- Do not change your Workspace Admin privileges' though! Leave that on.
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Thank you for help! That solved the issue. I forgot that step. Thank you.