Leveraging the Anaplan Community in a Remote World



It doesn’t take a genius to articulate the vast change that COVID-19 made in our work environments. The days of being able to walk over to a colleague’s desk for support are no more. The pivot to working in an entirely remote world challenged our teams to be resourceful in order to continue delivering superior end results to our clients. And the Anaplan Community provided us with valuable resources, such as content, tools, demos, and forums, that enabled our teams to continue being the best in Cloud.

With the accessibility of the Anaplan Community, it is easy to ask questions, find answers, and learn more about Anaplan. The Community provides countless tools around the platform itself, courses through the Academy, Programs, Forums, Idea Exchange, Anaplan Groups, and more. It is valuable for both end-users and model builders alike. The Academy and Forums are two invaluable resources that I have found myself utilizing and depending on not only since I joined Spaulding Ridge, but especially in the past year.

The Academy

The Anaplan Academy provides a 24/7 resource platform where community members can tailor-make their own Anaplan e-learning journeys. The Academy offers classes on demand when YOU are available. These classes include self-paced courses on learning to model-build through advanced model builder skills, Anaplan methodologies, and other necessities to support an individual’s Anaplan roadmap. As an experienced Anaplanner, I was able to continue to take more advanced model building courses. (And to any beginners, they have perfectly curated classes for more junior Anaplanners).

More from Spaulding Ridge:


Perhaps one of the most valuable resources I found within the Anaplan Community were the Anaplan Community Forums. The Forums allow for the true community aspect to shine. Users can contribute to posts and threads by asking questions and sharing their own knowledge and insight while staying connected with other users. While going through my own Level 3 Model Builder certification through the Academy, I found support by utilizing threads dedicated to the course, hearing where others had questions, or needed clarification, which helped me solve my own problems.

With Anaplan constantly improving and more smart minds joining the platform, new best practices are continually being shared – the Forum is a great place to learn about those and share your own findings.

Having an easily accessible online resource to support my own Anaplan journey has served to be incredibly helpful, especially over the past year when we were remote. I am constantly utilizing the skills I developed in the Academy courses – and the community I have access to within the forum is invaluable.  Beginners, advanced model builders, end-users, and those who are just looking to learn more about Anaplan will find a wealth of resources available through Anaplan Community. I highly recommend those within the ecosystem to take advantage and leverage the content on the Community.

Explore the Anaplan Community for yourself, and if you do not have one already, register for a free account.



  • @jruder awesome blog post!

    You mentioned Level 3 - my favorite part of that course was how Anaplan created a virtual business sponsor, aka @ChrisMullen,for us to ask questions. Absolutely brilliant. Plus, Chris' answers are completely in character with what it's really like to work with a business sponsor.

    Great article. Thanks for sharing!