Filter for both List Items & Parent Item on 1 view


Hi team,


I'm trying to create a view whereby I filter on all list items for 1 section & then on the Parent list items in another


1 have 2 lists, being GL & Subsidiary both on rows. My requirements are:


- For the GL List Item GL.Sale I wish all Subsidiary items to display

- For all other GL List items I wish only the Parent item in the Subsidiary list to display (being Asia, or Region L1.Asia')


My thought process was to create a Boolean which would be TRUE on 'Region L1'.Asia but I can't seem to reference it from Subsidiary L2. I can easily reference a Top Level in a list but not a Parent item


I have attached a screenshot of my filter module & highlighted in Yellow the items I wish to display TRUE





I have created a Excel mock-up of what I would like 



  • Hi @MarkTurkenburg 


    Create the GL, Region L1, Region L2 & Subsidiary L3 hierarchy as shown below












    Now create the module using the below shown dimensions and apply the formula as shown in the below screenshot




    Your Module view would look like the below screenshot.


    Formula written - Sales : ITEM(GL) = GL.Sales , Asia: ITEM(GL) <> GL.Sales


    I hope it helps



  • Thanks @anand.shekhawat that partially works but not for the solution I require


    Effectively I was completing step 1 so that I could filter on the Boolean to only display 'Asia' on 'Non Sales' GL items but when I filter it displays zero rows


    Do you have any other ideas?


    Thanks for you help

