How to use this forum ***READ ME FIRST***
Welcome to the CPI 2021 Discussion Board!
This is where you'll go when you have a question to ask or answer, a topic you want to discuss, or connections you want to make.
So, let's talk about naming conventions. Because this area may get very busy, we need to be able to find things quickly. But we also want to keep it really simple, so here's the deal:
1. Begin your title with a tag. "Social" - for things you want to talk about related or unrelated to work, "Platform" - for technical questions about model building, and "Discussion" - for "assignment" posts the Internship Team makes - will get us through most topics.
2. Be specific. Especially if you're asking a question about the platform, be specific. Use keywords ("Sum Function," "Importing," etc) to make it easy for people to skim threads and find what they're interested in.
For example, I'm about to ask you to introduce yourself. Here's how I'll name that thread: "Discussion - Getting to know you [Response Requested]"
See you in a thread!