
Hi All, I want to use breakback feature but I have a problem because end user wants to use breakback at sales level.  I have a simple formula to calculate sales (units * prices) and it seems that you can use breakback for units but you are not able to use for sales. Is there any best practice to replicate the feature. Thanks in advance.


Best Answer

  • Hi Daniel,

    One thing you could do is create a line item called Sales for Adjustment (or breakback) - and leave this line item without a formula, but turn breakback on for this line item.  Then create an action to move the data from the Sales line with a formula to the Sales line for adjustment line.  You can further streamline this proccess by publishing the module to a dashboard and publishing an action button to the dashboard to trigger the data movement (please see the attached file for a mockup).  


    Hilary Renauximage


  • Hi Daniel,
    I was learning about breakback lately. I found out that if you have a formula for a line item (in your case it would be sales), you won't be able to check the box for breakback. If you remove the formua, then you will have the option to do breakback for sales. After that you can use a formula sales/unit price to come up with units. Hope that answers your question.
  • Thanks Serena for your advice. I'm trying to find a way to replicate the feature. I think it is possible by combining formulas and import action. As soon as I finish I will update the post in order to share with community. 

  • Thanks Hilary, finally I've found a way to replicate the feature. It seems it is very similar to your solution. As soon as I have time I will post my approach in order to share with the community.

  • Finally, my "breakback". Let me know if you need further explanation. You can see attached screenshoot and formulas.

    Units %:  Units over the total year in percentage.  Formula: '3.- Sales Finance'.Demand Projection / YEARVALUE('3.- Sales Finance'.Demand Projection)
    Units % for Mixed Actual / Forecast: Units over the total year in percentage consider only forecast months. Formula: IF YEARVALUE(Actual Month) = 0 THEN Units % ELSE '3.- Sales Finance'.Net Sales / (YEARVALUE('3.- Sales Finance'.Net Sales) - YEARVALUE(Net Sales Actual))
    Units Year: Total units for current year. Formula: YEARVALUE('3.- Sales Finance'.Demand Projection)
    Net Sales Year: Total sales for current year. Formula: YEARVALUE('3.- Sales Finance'.Net Sales)
    Actual Net Sales: Actual Net Sales. Formula:  '3.- Sales Finance'.Net Sales[SELECT: VERSIONS.Actual]
    Net Sales Target Input: End user manual input for month adjustment
    Net Sales Target Input TY: End user manual input for total year adjustment
    Net Sales Target: this row shows Net Sales Target Input TY for all months. Formula: IF YEAR(CURRENTPERIODSTART) = YEAR(END) THEN CUMULATE(Net Sales Target Input TY) ELSE 0
    Net Sales Differ: difference between Net Sales Target and Actual Net Sales. Formula. IF ISACTUALVERSION() THEN 0 ELSE IF YEARVALUE(Actual Month) = 0 THEN Net Sales Target ELSE Net Sales Target - YEARVALUE(Actual Net Sales)
    Price: Formula: '3.- Sales Finance'.Net Sales / '3.- Sales Finance'.Finance Projection
    Units Target: Units needed to reach Net Sales Target. Formula: IF YEARVALUE(Net Sales Target Input) <> 0 THEN Net Sales Target Input / Price ELSE IF YEARVALUE(Net Sales Target Input) = 0 THEN Net Sales Differ / Price * 'Units % for Mixed Actual / Forecast' ELSE 0
    END: formula: END()
    Actual Month: Flag for actual month. Formula: IF ISACTUALVERSION() THEN IF END < CURRENTPERIODSTART THEN 1 ELSE 0 ELSE 0
    Then end user have to run an import action in order to move Units Target to Adjustment Product Family Level (Units Adjusted)