Model Builder Level 1 - Rev02 Volume Input question


I'm working on the Model Builder Level 1 training course, I have run into an issue, need help in solving it.

The issue is at REV02 Volume Inputs module. I'm trying to import the Volume input csv file and trying to map the source to target columns, have been unsuccessful. Any help is greatly appreciated.



Harsha Rappan


  • Hi Harsha,

    When creating import action we will see first window which talks about Data headers and Data Rows. So by default

    Header is 1
    Data row is 2

    Please change it manually and make

    Header as 2
    Data row as 3

    Once this is done and then you map

    Time - Column Headers (Change date format pattern: Periods -> YYYYMM)

    Location - Column 2

    Product - Column 1

    Line items - Fixed Line item

    Hope your result will come.


  • Thank you so very much for the solution, worked like a charm.

  • Best instructions to help I have found yet. Thank you.  MPW