Level 2 Run Process 9 Import Data from the Hub



I am stuck at the Level 2 Run Process 9 Import Data from the Hub.

Can anyone help me on this.





Best Answer

  • ChrisAHeathcote


    Move the volumes line item out of rows and into page selector. 

    Save the new view.

    Use this new view as your data source. 

    When mapping the line items use fixed line items, assign the volumes line item in the source and the volumes line item in the target. 


  • Hi @iaftab9!
    The time mapping "by match name" implies names corresponding to the Anaplan time list. In your case, the word "Volume" in the headings is superfluous.


    UPD: Do you have two dimensions with the original view?
    I suggest you move the time to the rows (and hide the node elements), and leave the LI "Volume" in the columns. This way you will have a clear and simple mapping to load the data.