Synchronization on page

We have several steps to complete in order to create a project on our Anaplan page. See attached image.


After running the process, the project that is just created will show up on the top of the table. Users have to highlight that project, then the detailed form below will synchronize to it. 


Is there a way to eliminate Step 3 so that the detailed form just shows the newly created project after running the action? Thank you.




  • @lilasququ  

    You can apply filter on page selector and set rule that it's TRUE for first list item only.

    this will lock ability to switch between different projects though.

    Try to set two imports which will first set this filter and then remove it. Maybe it will trigger system to switch to the only one available option and then open up ability to choose other projects.




  • @lilasququ I would suggest at the moment of running an action you may set one line item to update and show beneath grid based on that line item - That will prompt to update fields on the newly created list item

  • @lilasququ 


    Clicking on the one member so it sync's is way better than running actions as the previous posters stated.  Actions are concurrency blockers and locks the model for the time it takes to write the data.  This might not sound like a big deal, but it could be on large models with many people clicking the same action.





  • How do I apply a filter that shows the first item only on the page selector? I did not find it. 

  • @lilasququ 


    The system defaults to the first "detailed" member of the list vs the last or a particular member.  I believe this might be on the roadmap, being able to define which member is the default.



  • We are using module views on all the dashboards. For these views, is it still possible to show the first member on the list only on the page selector? 


    Or is a way just to define it directly in the View that always show the first item? 

  • @lilasququ 


    It depends on what the page is dimensionalized by.  Meaning, if you have a 5 level hierarchy and it is dimensionalized by L4 (in the page), then it shows the first member in Level 5.  This is for both custom views as well as module views.




  • When you say default, I guess you mean when the page is opened the first member on the page selector is shown? Sorry I don't get that. I want to force it to show always the first member. After I run an action on the same page, it will create a member on the list that is on the page selector. And I want that member just created to show there....

  • @lilasququ 


    Yes, it will show the first "detailed" member of what is on the Page axis.  As I stated above, I don't think running actions is a good way to go as it could add concurrency issues for other users within the model.


    From the Planual:



  • There might be a misunderstanding here. I'm running an action to create a new project on the Project list. 


    Then I want the new project to be shown on the page selector for the module which is using the Project list. 

  • @lilasququ 


    So it depends on your process and the architecture.  It looks like, from your picture, you enter the new project name and submitted for, then click the CER button which adds it to the list.  If the "project" list that you are now adding the new project to is not a numbered list, then this is the only way it will work.


    However, if the "project" list is a numbered list, then you can use the Create action which will automatically create a new member where you fill in the Project Name and other information.  If you do it this way, then once you click on that new member to fill in project name, your project list will already be sync'd on that member.


    Hope this helps,



  • It is a numbered list. 


    The goal of this exercise is to eliminate as many "clicks" as possible. So we don't want to have to click on that member to synchronize the page. Maybe there's no magic way here.....:-(