level 3 - 4.6.5 Sale Planning Model: DAT02 module

4.6.5 Sale Planning Model: DAT02 module

In the Sales Planning model, create a DAT02 PY Revenue to CY module to carry forward the FY19 quarterly actual sales revenue to FY20 quarters

  • For this module, using the LOOKUP function and a Time Settings system module is a more efficient formula than using OFFSET to carry the data forward a year 


i created this but my numbers dont match up to screenshot. Think is based on how I created data02.

My total numbers match but not indivual accounts>products. Please see attached and advise. I used an offset as an alternative.

The problem the data in data hub - dat05 - actual sales data is dimensioned by acc flat and product flat.

In dat02 in spoke model, when importing the dimension is : a2 accounts>product

I initially had dimesions that match data05; so the import worked; then changed the dimension back to a2 accounts>product

BUT the numbers are wrong.


Please advise


Best Answer

  • Hi @RavinderB 

    Please use Lookup from a system module, since it is a combined list from Accounts and products you will get correct values only in total.
