level 3 tar01 - initial acc sales target



clarificiation - I used


'TAR00 Sales Targets'.Initial Country Sales Target * 'PY Account / PY Country Product Family'


I see these results


Screenshot 2022-02-15 at 10.47.07.png


the total for candygate relates to learning center screen :





the problem is the formula totals everything for all accounts; so i feel it is incorrect and requires an edit - lookup


‘PY Account / PY Country Product Family’ * ‘TAR00 Sales Targets’.Initial Country Sales Target[LOOKUP: ‘SYS03 Account>Product Details’.‘G2 Country’, LOOKUP: ‘SYS03 Account>Product Details’.‘P1 Product Family’, LOOKUP: ‘SYS03 Account>Product Details’.‘A1 Account’]
but this fails on A1 account
not sure why it is failing here
please advise 


  • If you see this pivot view from above; my totals do match for candygate; but this is repeated for other accounts also.


    My numbers for products in accs is different ccompared to check build screenshot.


    please advise


    Screenshot 2022-02-15 at 14.18.19.png