Hierarchy in New UX export


When I do export a grid from anaplan in a .xlsx format I'm loosing the tabulations which distinguish my hierarchy levels. Is there a solution to get the correct display in my export ?


Here is what I have in anaplan:



And here is what I have in my excel export File:





Best Answer

  • Hi,

    Tabulation is limited only to few levels, and there is no easy fix for that (both .xlsx and .xls share the same settings). So to distinguish levels:




  • @AntoineFedi 

    Hi Antonie,

    One idea comes to my mind is to create a property "Name with Level" to apply L1-L7 suffix to the naming of the items in the hierarchy like this:

    Site Saint-Loup (L1)

    Bouvrat C.-130 (L2)

    K3 MODUL (L3)

    Allemagne - K3 MODUL (L4)

    TAYLOR (L5)

    S_TAYLOR (L6)

    Then in export settings (Labels tab) select this property as your name label instead of the default one.

    Also to imitate the shift you can add blank unicode symbol in front of the name “⠀” (https://www.google.com/search?q=blank+unicode+symbol&oq=blank+unicode+symbol&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i19i22i30l8.374j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)

    But the main problem with this approach is that it applies only to the lowest level of hierarchy. And then you have two options: 1) make a duplicate of the hierarchy with nested levels in a single list, 2) use display name for each level of your hierarchy and a trigger which with a switcher to show shifted names or names with levels. 

    Otherwise you will have to go and rename each element in your hierechy to add a suffix L1-L7 to them permanently. After all said above, I think that if naming is not so strict in your case I would prefer to rename elements to add a suffix L1-L7 permanently.

  • @AntoineFedi 

    I am agree with @M.Kierepka

    I think you should consider to remove total levels and replace them with labels from properties. This will be anyway better in excel plus users will be able to aggregate data using pivot in excel and bring the levels back.

  • Thank you for your answer
  • Thank you for your anwser