6.8.6 Activity

Can you please help I got stuck in an activity (Level1 6.8.6) 

Please see the screenshots








  • @SakirYurdagul 


    Absolutely...Under General Lists, go to your G3 list and make sure you actually have populated the "code" column for the members.  If not, then you will need to do that.



  • Thank you for your answer sir. Where and how can i populated the "code" column for the members.?




  • @SakirYurdagul 


    I believe it is from the file that had the members in that you loaded.  It looks like you just missed the step of filling in code.  Go back to the action that loaded the members, click Edit, and map the code to the appropriate column in the file.



  • fixed with this click



    thank you very much @rob_marshall 

  • Hello @rob_marshall 


    I'm having a similar issue but I cannot find the edit option that you mentioned. Would I have to re-download the file again? Would that ruin the rest of the work I've done? 

    Here's what my screen looks like:




  • Hi @SakirYurdagul,
    Your mapping is fine, The Boolean or click for "Adjust Duplicate names to form unique numbers"is not necessary here.Rest everything is fine, you are good to go!
  • Go to actions and find the appropriate action named like import into G3 Location from xyz.csv and map the Location codes in the code and select code in the items uniquely identify by code only. and run the action.(You have to delete your previously imported data by un-assigning the parent G2 Country and assign it back before importing.) Good luck!