2.4.8 Activity: Create Detailed Demand Review UX Page


I managed to design the UX page pretty close to the UX prototype but my issue is that I cannot amend the Override?

Is the purpose of the prototype to show only which forecast has been overriden (there is already the color coding for this) or are we supposed to be able to tick the override? case where we want. if so I must have missed a step.

Can anyone be kind enough to help me.

Thanks in advance


  • Hey,


    If you go to the page designer then click to edit the grid do you have the following option ticked:




    If there's no formula in the line item and you're looking at the most granular level of the module, with that option ticked you should be able to edit it from the app page.


    Hope that helps,


  • thanks Adam. it was indeed the missing parameter.
    It works fine now...
  • Hi, I need your help. How I can show both Initial and Final Demand Forecast in one page for same weeks? I checked all questions but you are the first one with the right screenshot. Thx in advance!