Level 1 Model Building exam activity 2



I keep getting 0 values after importing SKU volumes













  • I am having the same problem, can anyone help with this issue
  • Hi @rajprasad008 @Kalarmani 

    You both have imported and mapped the data into module properly.Go a head with your things.

    If you see data have already got updated into module.

    For example In Newyork, Unicorn candy company is promoting sku units with English Wrapper only.You can see this in your csv file for volume imports.

    Thats the reason there are values for sku units like Nutzo Bar_EN ,Raising the Bar_EN etc where as other sku units have zero values in newyork.

    You have done the things correct.

  • you have to map the date like m-d-y





    I changed the hierarchy at the first time worked but now the model results are all zeros.

    Don't know why and how to continue.

    Can you please help me?










  • goutam10706394
    edited February 2024

    Can you help on this. I am getting the same problem. I am not data for nutozar please help

  • Hi @goutam10706394 , can you share more details or screenshots of what issue you are facing?

    In the meantime, make sure of the following:

    1. your Product hierarchy list has proper parents assigned.
    2. While uploading, you have to match the time periods by M-D-YYYY and not my names
    3. If you have changed hierarchy after the upload, the values would be back to zero. Simply reupload the file again and you are good to go!


  • @ganeshd10 Hello, Nutzo bar is line item has ignored or not uploaded in list items, hence I was unable to see the number for nutzo bar in the report. Thanks.I have corrected . thanks for your valuable time.

  • @goutam10706394 , Great! Happy to help!!

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