Error in key for this row; refers to invalid list item

Hi everyone,


" Error in key for this row; refers to invalid list item : Headcount "


I get the above error when I tried to import data into Numbered List, which is uniquely identified by combination of properties. Actually, the list item which is formatted by some "xyz" list has list item ' Headcount'

Even after that, I am getting the same error. Can anyone please help me on this?


Thank you.


  • @Saisri8568 

    Are there multiple list items that are updated through the load and only this one fails? 

    If so, please make sure you have the item "Headcount" in the original list that is used for the list formatted property. Also check the spelling to be identical in your list and in data source of the import. 

  • Yes , I have "Headcount" list Item in Original List and also it matches with source (spelling). Even after that, I am getting this error

  • @Saisri8568 would you mind sharing the setup of your import action and numbered list properties? Is it a model or file import? I have tried to replicate the issue but a wrong import mapping won't allow you to proceed in a numbered list import. Still, can you check if it looks similar with below: where "list item name" is the property name we're trying to match. 




  • Saisri8568_0-1654266235186.png

    This is a replica of original one. The problem is with 'Capital' list Item. It is a model Import.



  • I tried importing such a list and it worked fine, giving that the combinations of properties are all unique, but the list I imported into wasn't a numbered list. Is there any possibility of making it a non-numbered list and then trying this import? Let me know if it works.
