UX - Link to Pages

Hi ,


I have created a page in 'Model X' and a page in 'Model Y' and I have to link the page from 'Model X' to the page in 'Model Y' so that I can redirect to it and have a look.


Is this linking possible between pages from different models ? If so, could you please guide me through the process to achieve it ?



Aswinraj Ramesh


  • @Aswinraj 


    In Page designer mode of a card you can achieve this





    Miz Logix


  • Hi Misbah,


    Thanks for coming forward. I have checked with this. It shows only the pages that are available in the model that you are. But I have to get a page from different model. Do you know how to get this ?



    Aswinraj Ramesh

  • @Aswinraj 


    Do you mean to say different app? If so then No you can not link the page from different app.

    But if you have a page within the same app (that might be coming from different model) you should be able to link it.


    Hope that helps


    Miz Logix

  • @Aswinrajhi

    Misbah is right. There is no build it connection to another app's pages. But as workaround you can use Field card with link-formatted line item with a URL to the page you need. But you have to always keep in mind that if URL changes you must change it in the value of the line item.

  • Hi Misbah,
    Yep, you are right. It's not possible to link a page from different app. But in the app I was working it showed that a page is linked to a page from different app but in the configuration card there was no page linked. That's why I posted in community and now I got how did it happen.

    When you create a page in one app which is "Linked to Page" and move it to another app, the link to page drop-down will not show that it is linked to a page but the redirect reference still works.

    Hope this will be helpful

    Aswinraj Ramesh
  • Hello,

    Dropping in very late, but there's a solution for this.
    Before you proceed, are the two models in the same workspace?
    If that's the case, let's say that your page is in model 1, create the link that you want to any other page in model 1.
    Now in order to create a link to Model 2, just go into the app and move the page to Model 2 and create any link that you want with any other page in that model.
    Make sure you to not modify the link options with the other page as they may appear empty, but they will still work when you publish your deisgn.
    And so on to create links with other models.

    Hope it was helpful!

  • Hi Aswinraj,

    So recently i had a same requirement.

    So this can be solved by Moving the required page of Model X to Model Y app and after that you have to click on Model Y page "Link to a page" option drop-down where you need to select the Model X page which you have moved . After that is done you need to move the Model X page which is currently present in Model Y to its original source i.e Model X.

    In this way, when you click on the link it will redirect you to Model X page.

    Hope this will help you to resolve.

