7 Benefits of Anaplan Modeling

Hi Model Contributors,

I just read a really interesting Community blog post by @AntonS where he outlined seven benefits of model building within the Anaplan platform (spoilers: #5 covers the benefit of using standard Time and Versions compared to custom alternatives). I thought this would be a useful review for less active or experienced Model Contributors who enjoy dipping their toes in the world of model building without yet fully jumping in all the way to become a Certified Model Builder.

I'm interested to see if anybody else can relate to Anton's seven benefits, and if there are any others that this group might think would be specifically useful for Model Contributors. What do you think?



  • I think these 7 Anaplan Modeling benefits are great. Personally using the data HUB and the audit capabilities are my top two reasons why I love Anaplan.


    However, one item I would like to add that makes Anaplan so valuable and stand out among other platforms is the ability to have quick access to data. Anaplan enables you to have full ownership of your data while still being both intuitive in its functionality and agile in its scalability of data.

  • exactly, even the flexibility in navigating its entire system


  • exactly, even the flexibility in navigating its entire system

  • Great point @coraparks ! The ability to get to the root of a problem is so much easier in a system like Anaplan compared to navigating Excel files that may have been built by multiple people over many years (scaffolding on top of scaffolding as I like to say). It's really nice to be able to have a consistent way to drill down and figure out the underlying data quickly within the system.