L2 MB: INV01 Inventory Ordering Module - Values not cleared when check box is unchecked

Hi All,


I am working on the L2 MB: INV01 Inventory ordering module (Section 3.3 Product Replenishment) and stuck at one of the subsections. 


All the formulas seem to be working except for below senario.

Step 1 : I select "Submit Purchase Order Request?" Week 1 FY20 and can see that the "Confirm Purchase Order Receipt" is populated with correct values for Week 3 FY20 (Final Shipping Time Weeks is 2) as expected. Image1



Step 2 : I select "Submit Purchase Order Request?" Week 2 FY20 and check the "Override Shipping Method?" box and set the "Override Method" to "Air" and can see that the "Confirm Purchase Order Receipt" is populated with correct values for Week 3 FY20 (Final Shipping Time Weeks is 1) as expected. Image2



Step 3 : I then uncheck the "Submit Purchase Order Request?" Week 2 FY20 and the "Confirm Purchase Order Receipt" remains unchained as the underlying check box  "Override Method" is still checked in the background as it was checked in step 2. Image3


I have attached following additional images for reference

Image4_Formulas - Formulas from Inv01_Inventory_Ordering

Image5_AccessDrivers - Access Drivers from Inv01_Inventory_Ordering

Image6_Inv_Order_Overrides - Overrides from AN02 Inventory Ordering Overrides


Not able to pinpoint what I may have missed. Any guidance is much appreciated.






  • Hello Nouleprabhu,


    I hope this issue got resolved.


    Without further information about the formulas, I believe that it could be the case that your formulas are not entirely connected in such a way that despite the fact you have unchecked the "Submit Purchase Order", the "Override Shipping Method" is still active in the background -although hidden by the DCA- and it is driving your results.


    Hope that was helpful!


    Kind regards,


    Kind regards,

    Bruno Rodriguez