How to achieve Different Granularity in a line item based on the version?
Dear experts,
We have a requirement to have to different granularity of data in a same line item based on the version selection.
Detailed explanation:
The line item has following granularity of data:
Version = Actual; then the granularity becomes Potline (Parent of Potline Group, This data comes from Data Hub).
Version = Forecast/Budget; then the granularity of data becomes Potline Group(lowest level).
Can you plz suggest what can be a possible configuration to achieve this functionality of two different granularity?
Best regards,
Umesh Jethwani
Hello @UmeshJethwani ,
WIthout having more details you could do the following:
- Get data for both versions at Potline level in Module 1.
- Disaggregate it into Potline group for the forecast in Module 2.
In order to do the disaggregation you need to have a module with Potline Group and the % that each item represents with regards to the parent (i.e., % of historical sales by each of the Potline Groups within a Potline)
Hope that helps!
Kind regards,
Bruno Rodriguez
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@UmeshJethwani : Usually Actuals would have more detail granularity than Budget.. it seems that your case is the other way around .
If you really want to have Actual and Budget in the same module, a way to solve it is to create in the Potline list a dummy Potline Group per every Potline by adding a suffix like PotlineX_Act (similar to the below).
Potline1_Act ( used for Actuals)
Potline1_G1 (used for Bugdet)
Potline1_G2 (used for Budget)
You can compare Actuals with Budget only from upper level and above ( from Potline1).
You could achieve the same also by selecting for every Potline 1 element "main" to be used to store Actuals. This will avoid to create dummy elements in Potline list (similar to below):
In a system module associate to Potline1 the group Potline1_G1 to be used for Actuals.
Potline1_G1 (used for Actuals and Bugdet)
Potline1_G2 (used for Budget)
Hope it helps